exiles_baddie (![]() ![]() |
As the voyagers show up, firewords launch around them in many colors. Screens light up all over the place, and a wide platform opens up with spotlights on it. A somewhat familiar, and definitely unforgettable voice comes up over literally thousands of loudspeakers.
"laDIES and gentleSLUGS, Mojoworld enterTAINment is proud to present to you THE BIG ONE for all the marbles. Or, really, REALLY, just one cosmically fantastical marble. The conTESTants are all here, the gangs ALL here, the GANGplank is reaDY, ready, set GO! The winners will get... THE REALITY GEM, the losers... Oblivion, sweet, SWEEEEET oblivion. And, because our newcomers are LATE, they're late, for a Veeeery imporTANT date... the NAzis get one bonus point right now."
"laDIES and gentleSLUGS, Mojoworld enterTAINment is proud to present to you THE BIG ONE for all the marbles. Or, really, REALLY, just one cosmically fantastical marble. The conTESTants are all here, the gangs ALL here, the GANGplank is reaDY, ready, set GO! The winners will get... THE REALITY GEM, the losers... Oblivion, sweet, SWEEEEET oblivion. And, because our newcomers are LATE, they're late, for a Veeeery imporTANT date... the NAzis get one bonus point right now."
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