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broken_time ([info]broken_time) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-04-18 21:39:00

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Entry tags:danielle cage, exiles, iron widow, kevin kinross

In the desert between times.
There's a brief sensation of falling.

Thankfully, the landing is padded by sand. Lots and lots of sand, stretching out as far as the eye can see in all directions, aside from the occasional hill blocking the view.

Sensors, enhanced senses, even normal senses and survival skills say the same thing - there's nothing there, no water for miles. Just sand.

Well, sand, and around one of the dunes, the smell of fresh coffee and fresh baked muffins.

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2010-04-19 02:43 am UTC (link)
Danielle Cage was the first to appear on the desert landscape.

She'd been out covering a bank hold-up with the Avengers. She remember that clearly.

Dani looked around, utterly confused as to how in the HELL she got there.

"What the..."

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2010-04-19 02:52 am UTC (link)
Kev had been in the lab.

Now, he wasn't. He looked around slowly.

"All right, now, I ken well I didn' do it. So what the bloody..."

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2010-04-19 02:57 am UTC (link)
Natasha had been out taking the suit for a test flight when the ground under her shifted to desert. Gone were the familiar buildings of New York. She landed and the mask on the helmet opened up.

"What the hell?" Then she spotted the two other people. "Where am I?"

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2010-04-19 03:00 am UTC (link)
"Beats me," Dani said, looking around. "I highly doubt that bank robbers were smart enough to send me here."

She looked over at Kev. He looked...oddly familiar.

"Jamie Maddrox?"

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2010-04-19 03:07 am UTC (link)
"No." He says distinctly, with a frown, then shakes his head. "Sorry, we get that a lot. I'm Kevin Kinross. And I didn't do this."

He looks at the woman in the metal suit with the desperate hope that she doesn't get too close.

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2010-04-19 03:11 am UTC (link)
"It wasn't me," Natasha said. "Though I'm still trying to figure out what the hell Stark put in this suit. Natasha Romanova. Black...Iron Widow."

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2010-04-19 03:16 am UTC (link)
Dani blinked. Iron Widow? Now that wasn't fifty different levels of weird at all or anything.

"Danielle Cage," she said, "Call me Dani."

She shook her head. "Sorry. I know that alternate universes exist and everything but where I'm from? You're one of my best friend's and a couple of my teammate's mother.

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2010-04-19 03:23 am UTC (link)
Kev blinks "All right, I never really keep up with all that Avengers stuff, but I know right well that Danielle Cage is six years old. Mum treated her a few months back -- she's the best for pediatrics that need...creative injections."

Another frown. "All right. Nothing makes sense. Let's go for the coffee."

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2010-04-19 03:26 am UTC (link)
Blink. Blink. Blink.

"Kids? Me...another me with kids? Definitely not in Kansas anymore. Nope. Not at all. And I only know one person named Cage and Luke certainly doesn't have kids where I'm from."

She shook her head.

"Screw the coffee. I need vodka."

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2010-04-19 03:38 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Dani smirked, "Hard to get your booster shots when the needles break in half when they come in contact with you skin."

Her smirk turned into a sheepish grin. "Well..to be fair, two of them are both from places that have 'other' yous too. Anya Stark and Misha Romanov are from my universe. James Romanov-Rogers is from another one, and Eliza Romanova is also from a different universe. And yes, Luke Cage is my father. My mother is Jessica Jones."

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2010-04-19 03:50 am UTC (link)
Still having difficulty dealing with the six-year-old's immense growth spurt, Kev just starts walking towards the scent of coffee.

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2010-04-19 03:59 am UTC (link)
In the middle of the desert, around a dune, there's a bald man pulling a tray of fresh blueberry muffins out of an oven. There's coffee sitting on a table.

Despite the set up being similar to a kitchen, there's no walls, no evident place for the oven to even plug in - just a little kitchen unit in the desert, with small grade-school style desks laid out in front of a chalkboard.

"Ahhh, Mr. Kinross. Please, have a muffin... and a seat. Coffee?"

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2010-04-19 04:02 am UTC (link)
Kevin surveys the situation. ....he was supposed to be better.

Well, no harm in a muffin and coffee. He sits. "Yes, please. Who the devil are you?"

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2010-04-19 04:09 am UTC (link)
"That is a long story. To save everyone precious time, let's wait on your new companions. Then I'll explain."

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2010-04-19 04:14 am UTC (link)
Four kids? Really? How the hell did that happen outside of the obvious? The Black Widow wasn't a parental type at all.

Luke and Jessica having a kid?

She so needed vodka.

Shaking her head she headed after Kevin.

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2010-04-19 04:15 am UTC (link)
"Yeah...I'm going to shut my mouth now." Dani followed after Natasha and Kevin.

It was probably for the best that she didn't say anything else about her universe for the time being.

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2010-04-19 11:47 am UTC (link)
Kevin sat at his desk and drank his coffee.
Alternate realities. He was not comfortable with this.

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2010-04-19 12:44 pm UTC (link)
Eventually, Dani reached where Kevin and the Timebroker were.

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2010-04-19 08:31 pm UTC (link)
"Start explaining why we're here, bald man," Natasha said not too happy about the situation.

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2010-04-19 09:42 pm UTC (link)
"Tsk, patience, Miss Romanov. Have a muffin, try the coffee. The food is terrible where you're going. Oh, and have a seat. The lecture is about to begin."

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2010-04-20 12:51 am UTC (link)
Kev drank his coffee and looked around. The class setting was hardly much more familiar than the desert...well, not for Kev himself. It did conjure up a few of Jenny's memories, a few of Ewan's. They'd have known better than he, who'd never gone to a real school.

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2010-04-20 01:30 pm UTC (link)
Dani took a seat, grabbing a muffin and a cup of coffee as she did so.

The sooner she knew where the hell she was, the better.

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2010-04-20 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Natasha didn't sit, but she did get some coffee. It was the second best thing after a shot of vodka.

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2010-04-20 08:24 pm UTC (link)
"Very good. Now, I'm certain that Mr. Kinross might be able to follow some of the explanation involving bigger words and issues of chronal physics, I'll spare the other two of you the long explanation. Simply put, all time, in all worlds and dimensions, is connected. There are countless alternate dimensions, each of you are from a different one. But the timestream connects all of your worlds. Should something cause a significant enough ripple in the stream, it can have very drastic effects on a lot of worlds. Such a disruption has happened... and you are being recruited as agents from affected worlds to help salvage as many of these dimensions and worlds as possible. Now, any of you can return, if you wish, and turn this down. But given the current altered states of your worlds, I don't think you want to do that."

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2010-04-21 12:04 am UTC (link)
Kevin looks at him. Because this? Sounds like a job for Privateer Albion. Or some sort of special SHIELD temporal task force. Or, in fact, anyone at all who actually is a superhero and -- and this is very important -- not Kev.

But there's that last part. "Altered how...?" Has his facet of reality already been messed with? That can't be good. Probably a lot more than, say, just a few bricks turned into bees.

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2010-04-21 05:18 pm UTC (link)
Does Dani like that she's been ripped abruptly from her world, with no chance to tell her parents and friends where she's going, with no chance to say goodbye to them, assure them that she'll be alright? No. Does she want her world to be safe though, along with her parents and friends? Absolutely.

She didn't give them the Timebroker an answer just then, deciding to let him answer Kevin's question before she made her final decision.

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2010-04-21 06:09 pm UTC (link)
"In every world, that's different, Mr. Kinross. In your case, Colossus, years ago, was an instant too slow. You now rule the world - a world with a rapidly depleting food supply. The gods, and most alien races have cut off Earth as, effectively, a dead world. Your reign will be short and painful before you starve within the next two years.
In your case, Mr. Cage, your world has already undergone significant temporal 'bumps'. Sarah Rogers wasn't supposed to be there, but Rose's time with this team helped adjust your world back to a degree of stability. Unfortunately, she is critically injured... you can leave any time you like and go home... but doing so would require Rose to return here in her current state... which would likely be lethal. Effectively, you've been chosen as her replacement.
In all cases, none of you are the first choices, or the ideal ones. But something left you stable enough to be grabbed out of your alternate timelines, where most people weren't. In Ms. Cage's case, its her close ties to Rose. Essentially, if the timeline is to be saved, its not that you're the best choices... you're just what I have to work with."

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2010-04-21 11:46 pm UTC (link)
Kevin stares in horror as at the words 'You now rule the world'. His hands instinctively press at his opposite wrists, at the stable, not-burning, human flesh, to reassure himself it's still there. "No. No."

To have 'triumphed,' triumphed and rotted, the whole world sharing in his degeneration and burning rotting madness, was the ultimate Nightmare Scenario.

Finally, he manages. "... Not happening. So what needs doing to fix....these things?"

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2010-04-21 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"You haven't said how my world is messed up," Natasha finally said after listening to all of it.

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2010-04-22 01:10 am UTC (link)
"Just letting you finish your coffee, Ms. Romanova. Your memories will tell you that Tony Stark is your closest ally - he built the suit you now wear. But the current truth on your world is that you killed Tony Stark and proved your loyalty to the Red Room program, before the Avengers eventually shut it down. Bucky Barnes' pistols were adjusted to try and help him take down the Red Guardian - the dosage for the Guardian had an unfortunate effect on your own enhanced nervous system. You still live, a loyal agent of Russia - and a parapalegic rotting away in a prison cell. You will not receive the death penalty, nor will you recover, allowing you to live in this helpless state for another two-hundred-and-four years. At least you have plenty of time to catch up on your reading."

He pauses a few moments, then looks back to Kevin. "Simple - you join with the self-named Exiles. A group who travels from timeline to timeline, given an assignment in each one. If you succeed enough times, it will stabilize parts of the timestream, eventually correcting events in your own worlds. Its also possible you may die in the process, or fail. But as I said, you're what I have to work with."

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2010-04-22 02:15 am UTC (link)
"You make it sound like we have a choice. I got nothing better to do."

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2010-04-23 12:24 am UTC (link)
"I'm in."

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2010-04-23 12:50 am UTC (link)
Kevin's still running his hands along his arms, continuously confirming that they're still there, intact. "Anything else we need to know before we meet these people?"

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2010-04-23 02:37 pm UTC (link)
"You do have a choice. You can go back to your own worlds and live your altered lives. Anyway, other than that - the blonde girl is named Sarah - the device on her arm is called the Tallus. Its something of a navigator - and each world, it will give you your newest assignment. You will have varying amounts of time to complete the objectives it gives you, depending on the world. If you fail, it may be possible to retreive you and send you to the next one anyway, or the disruption may be too great, and leave you stranded... so don't fail. If you die on assignment, you're dead. So don't die. Oh, and occasionally the Tallus can be a bit cryptic - sorry about that. Time isn't always easy to interpret. Good luck."

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