In a New York Minute....
They arrived in New York a few seconds after leaving Moscow thanks to Blink. Quinn could have done transporting duty, but there was nothing wrong with sharing the work. It actually felt good to be moving again. They had spent a few days in Moscow while Wanda cleared the way for her to leave for a short while.
While they were waiting Natasha had filled them in with more information about this world and how bad it was. As bad as it was, there were a few small spots of hope. Natasha, God she was hot and Quinn would have shagged her in a second if Patriot wasn't already doing that, had told them that someone connected to New York's Hellfire Club was helping and harboring mutants. The identity of the "Angel of New York" was unknown, but Quinn believed they could find him or her.
There was also mention of Project Bifrost that the Red Skull was working on. There were no details about it since Natasha hadn't been able to find much about it. She said she had nearly been killed trying to get what little information she did get. Magneto had under the advice of an adviser decided not to pursue that matter. Quinn would bet money it had something to do with Thor.
Thor. Quinn bet if Thor had come to this Earth like he had in Quinn's dimension and others from the sound of what his teammates said, maybe the world wouldn't be like this. Or at least as bad.
Quinn looked around. It was quite obvious that this wasn't the New York he knew and loved. "Well mates, what's on our agenda besides getting some cash and finding a place to crash?"
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