The Exiles - July 4th, 2010

About July 4th, 2010

For all the marbles 07:33 pm
Moondragon descends from the waiting fleet as more and more ships return, deploying troops. She lands amongst the Exiles as they re-gather.

"Adam Warlock is dead. As is your companion, Roxanne Simpson. She died heroically, I am assured." she says, her voice cool, as if she were reading the evening news.
"Thanos has recovered two of the gems and is on his way. Normally I would ask for the gems to distribute to the most powerful among us... but I fear that would doom us as empires fall into squabbling over toys when the universe is at stake. I therefore urge you to prepare amongst yourselves to battle Thanos. You have more gems... but he is more skilled in their use, and utterly ruthless. Despite his power and intelligence, however, we have an edge. He will come here... with Death watching, he will not turn down our challenge, and will attempt to defeat us head on. If we fail this time, however, I am certain there will be no last second save by a Silver Surfer this time. I do not think we have much time - so prepare well."
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