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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2009-09-02 09:27:00

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Entry tags:"acts of avenging", blink, crusader, doctor spectrum, exiles, ghost rider, mystic, patriot

Acts of Avenging, pt. 2 - Mother Russia
The teleportation is far easier this time. Russia is a very, very big place, and there's no magical barriers or resistance.

In fact, there's not a lot of anything. Looking around the area where they come in, remote, in order to avoid notice, it would look like the village that was once here was struck with a bomb, save nothing is burnt. A wave of destruction radiates out from a central point, and everything from there is demolished. The foundations of houses sit bare, with wreckage strewn away from them. The signs of at least two mass graves aren't that well hidden not far away from the village. A few hastily put together crosses of sticks line the sites now, but this village is lifeless. A wooden sign, far enough on the outskirts to have survived whatever hit this place can still be read, at least by those who speak Russian.
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, population: 86,480

With all the flat land, in the distance on direction, the signs of cobbled together stick and cloth hovels can be seen, a few figures moving about, never staying out in the open too long. Much more distantly the opposite direction, the faint radiance of lights of what has to be a massive city can be somewhat discerned, but the place must be massive to be at all evident at this distance.

Sarah rises a bit off the ground for a slightly better view. "Gods. This is horrible."

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2009-09-14 04:19 am UTC (link)
Roxanne feels night come. It's easier these days to let the Rider come out and do what it does. For a demon, Zarathos is...She wouldn't call him "nice," by a longshot but it's like they have an understanding. They're stuck with each other. So long as he keeps putting down rabid dogs in human skin she can ride in the bitch seat and not holler too much.

And, she asks God as she finishes her prayers. Maybe if it knows what it's like to be human it'll learn not to be so mean.

Night falls and she slips away from herself painfully as eyeless eyes snap open. This village has its sin and the Ghost Rider flips her kickstand up and goes riding for it.

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2009-09-14 02:36 pm UTC (link)
Of course there wasn't any beer because the multiverse really hated Quinn, but there was a hot shower, food and a soft bed. Now if he only had a soft woman next to him he'd be set.

He stretched out on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.

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2009-09-14 06:51 pm UTC (link)
The Ghost Rider has a difficult night - while this place is drenched in sin, and no one seems innocent. The humans are as guilty of war mongering as the mutants, and every single person has the taint on them left by a war for survival. But at the same time, it was just that - a war for survival, from which, no one is truly condemned with guilt either.

Once the war ended, this city seems remarkably well run. And within it, there is very little crime. The laws are harsh for those who commit crimes of violence, and the lawkeepers both vigilant and super-humanly capable. Most of those who live here now are either part of Magneto's elite, or work for someone who is. The population is low, and the city is far from the difficult border. There is no one person to hunt, no one to stalk, and the feeling of guilt and sin washes down the world as much as it does the people.

In truth, to the rider's senses, there is only one aura of guilt and sin here in the city that rises above all others - and its certainly not coming from Magneto. Who, or whatever it is though, is magically protected far beyond the rider's means to locate them. The feeling is much like being a moth seeking a light beyond a glass door - it knows its there, but cannot reach it, or even quite comprehend its source.

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2009-09-15 06:14 am UTC (link)
Blink couldn't sleep. After ten or so minutes lying in bed she got up and walked outside. Arms folded over her chest, she gazed up at the night sky, thinking.

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2009-09-15 07:31 am UTC (link)
It appears she's not the only one.

"You doing ok?"

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2009-09-15 07:42 am UTC (link)
"Yes." A pause, then Blink sighed. "No. I don't know." She turned to look at Sarah. "What about you?"

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2009-09-15 07:46 am UTC (link)
"No. This isn't nearly as bad as the worst of the worlds I've been to, so its not this place. I guess its mostly going back to... well, this. And the new team and everything. Anything you want to talk about? I know we don't know each other that well, but this bunch is all any of us is going to have for a while."

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2009-09-16 02:05 am UTC (link)
"Pretty much the same- well- except for Cal-vin." She quickly added the last syllable to that name. And then she quickly changed subject. "I thought I was going to be around my kids for a lot longer. I like to think I taught them well but..." That was a tough world. Tougher than her own.

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2009-09-16 03:27 am UTC (link)
"I'm guessing you were close to... some version of that person back at the town?"

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2009-09-16 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Yes." It didn't sound like Blink would be very forthcoming with more details but finally she looked at Sarah. "I loved him."

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2009-09-16 04:42 am UTC (link)
Sarah reaches out to put a hand on Blink's shoulder. "I'm so sorry. About everything. That you had to come back to this, that you lost your former team... and the guy you loved."

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2009-09-17 05:34 am UTC (link)
"Me too. And I'm sorry you're mixed up in all of this again." She was sorry all of them were, really.

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2009-09-17 07:38 am UTC (link)
"Much as I liked the world I was stranded in for a while, I was always sure it wasn't over. It wasn't my home reality - and much as the life there was nice, I still want to save my home. Its not just that I'd be gone, or never there, the whole thing would be destroyed unless I fix it."

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2009-09-18 12:04 am UTC (link)
"I was supposed to not exist if we didn't 'fix' things. That obviously didn't happen." Bottom line. "I wouldn't be so sure your world will be destroyed if we fail. Getting home though? That would be nice." Seeing Magneto, Rogue, Morph, maybe even Mr. Creed... well, anything could happen. But she would still rather go back to be there for her kids.

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2009-09-18 12:10 am UTC (link)
"I might not trust the Timebroker or what's going on, but if he's telling the truth about my homeworld, and one event changing, nothing would exist. Even if I never get home, I can't let that happen there, for my family, my friends... and just the idea of an entire universe's worth of people being wiped out because Dr. Doom became omnipotent. Its a lot to deal with... basically, even if he was lying to us, its too big a risk that he's telling the truth."

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2009-09-18 12:15 am UTC (link)
"I know. In a way, I hope he's telling the truth." How screwed up was that?

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2009-09-18 12:23 am UTC (link)
"For what its worth, while I'm sure he's not telling us everything, I think part of it is true. Even for the most powerful beings known, or the biggest empires, the kind of resources it would take to do this kind of dimension hopping just because... its staggering. And while sometimes the orders get kind of questionable, it would be easy to assemble a group of amoral thugs to just kill and destroy to get things done. At some level, whoever is behind this does want people who'll consider the consequences of their actions and care about the results."

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2009-09-18 12:42 am UTC (link)
"Maybe." She decided not to mention the other team of Exiles she'd run into on her last mission. Besides, Mr. Creed wasn't an amoral thug...

...Well, maybe he used to be but he had changed.

"And maybe one day we'll find out."

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2009-09-18 02:55 am UTC (link)
"I'm sure we will, eventually. Regardless, looking at who we have on this team, it'd be counterproductive if whoever is behind this didn't want some kind of good done. Too many easier ways to do it if they just need missions accomplished as they say. And the instructions would be much less vague if we weren't supposed to interpret them somewhat."

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2009-09-18 04:43 am UTC (link)
If they didn't die first. "Good for us or good for them?" It was a rhetorical question, of course, but something she needed to say. She'd spent a long time thinking about it with no one to talk to.

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2009-09-18 08:55 am UTC (link)
"Good for the worlds, or universes, or whatever. In the face of that, and in the face of the kind of power it would take to do something like this, I don't think our lives mean much."

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2009-09-19 02:07 am UTC (link)
"I'd like to believe that." From the tone of her voice, it was pretty clear that she didn't.

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2009-09-19 07:02 am UTC (link)
"I have my share of problems with the whole thing too. I just figure that there'd be much easier people than us to get to do these things, so there must be some purpose behind some of the people they select."

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2009-09-19 07:39 am UTC (link)
"We have powers, training, experience, and the 'Timebroker' knows just what to say to keep us going. I think we're a pretty good, easy choice." Blink sighed. "Sorry, I told myself I wouldn't say this. It's important to stay optimistic, keep hope alive."

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2009-09-19 09:01 am UTC (link)
"Its also important to ask questions, stay alert, look out for each other and examine every situation. It'd be so easy to get jaded like this/ Honestly, its not that I blame you for having doubts - I think its a good thing. I just wanted to make sure you knew you're not alone, either in questioning this whole thing, or in general."

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(no subject) - [info]prettyinblink, 2009-09-20 04:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]rogue_star, 2009-09-20 04:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]prettyinblink, 2009-09-20 04:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]rogue_star, 2009-09-20 04:59 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]prettyinblink, 2009-09-20 05:03 am UTC

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