Acts of Avenging, pt. 2 - Mother Russia
The teleportation is far easier this time. Russia is a very, very big place, and there's no magical barriers or resistance.
In fact, there's not a lot of anything. Looking around the area where they come in, remote, in order to avoid notice, it would look like the village that was once here was struck with a bomb, save nothing is burnt. A wave of destruction radiates out from a central point, and everything from there is demolished. The foundations of houses sit bare, with wreckage strewn away from them. The signs of at least two mass graves aren't that well hidden not far away from the village. A few hastily put together crosses of sticks line the sites now, but this village is lifeless. A wooden sign, far enough on the outskirts to have survived whatever hit this place can still be read, at least by those who speak Russian.
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, population: 86,480
With all the flat land, in the distance on direction, the signs of cobbled together stick and cloth hovels can be seen, a few figures moving about, never staying out in the open too long. Much more distantly the opposite direction, the faint radiance of lights of what has to be a massive city can be somewhat discerned, but the place must be massive to be at all evident at this distance.
Sarah rises a bit off the ground for a slightly better view. "Gods. This is horrible."
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