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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2009-09-02 09:27:00

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Entry tags:"acts of avenging", blink, crusader, doctor spectrum, exiles, ghost rider, mystic, patriot

Acts of Avenging, pt. 2 - Mother Russia
The teleportation is far easier this time. Russia is a very, very big place, and there's no magical barriers or resistance.

In fact, there's not a lot of anything. Looking around the area where they come in, remote, in order to avoid notice, it would look like the village that was once here was struck with a bomb, save nothing is burnt. A wave of destruction radiates out from a central point, and everything from there is demolished. The foundations of houses sit bare, with wreckage strewn away from them. The signs of at least two mass graves aren't that well hidden not far away from the village. A few hastily put together crosses of sticks line the sites now, but this village is lifeless. A wooden sign, far enough on the outskirts to have survived whatever hit this place can still be read, at least by those who speak Russian.
Anzhero-Sudzhensk, population: 86,480

With all the flat land, in the distance on direction, the signs of cobbled together stick and cloth hovels can be seen, a few figures moving about, never staying out in the open too long. Much more distantly the opposite direction, the faint radiance of lights of what has to be a massive city can be somewhat discerned, but the place must be massive to be at all evident at this distance.

Sarah rises a bit off the ground for a slightly better view. "Gods. This is horrible."

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2009-09-07 01:17 am UTC (link)
Blink was trying hard to keep her composure. It was bad enough that she'd been so quick to believe that this Mimic was the one she knew.

"Who is the Tsarina? Lorna or Wanda?"

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2009-09-07 02:09 am UTC (link)
"Lorna, who is Lorna? Magneto has another child somewhere, at least in other worlds? If she exists in this world, and she's alive, you could probably get whatever you wanted from Magneto for that kind of information."

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2009-09-07 02:33 am UTC (link)
That answered her question. "Assuming she exists in this world. This is the first time I've been to a world- that I know of- where I do. And in my world Lorna, well, I'm not sure if she even existed there." Blink rubbed her forehead. She looked to her fellow Exiles.

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2009-09-07 04:24 am UTC (link)
"No matter what else, Wanda can be trusted," Bucky says seriously. "I worked with her on the Avengers, before..." His voice drops. "She's a hero. That much, I'm sure of."

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2009-09-07 04:26 am UTC (link)
"Patriot, just because you can trust the Wanda you kne-" Blink stopped herself before she said anymore. After all, what had she just done? "But I agree. We should see Wanda."

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2009-09-07 05:16 am UTC (link)
"I agree with Blink. They may look the same, but they may not be like the versions we know. We need to be careful."

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2009-09-07 10:33 am UTC (link)
"We do need to be careful. She was a heroine in my homeworld too, but in two of our earlier stops, she was... well, one she was crazy... and really disturbing, and one she was just plain evil. We can't count on anything. But it sounds like this one might be one of our best hopes."

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2009-09-09 12:58 am UTC (link)
"One more thing." Blink forced herself to look at Cal Mimic Memorial. "Tell me more about the Guardian Angel."

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2009-09-09 01:22 am UTC (link)
"He, she or it is a fairy tale. A story that's arisen in the last few years about a secret mutant or some other super powered being who takes in mutants and somehow hides them from the Kingpin and Shaw Industry's Sentinel patrols and the gangs. The thought of a few mutants being able to hide, somehow, might be possible. But after they found and massacred the Morlocks who decided to try and stick it out and defend their home instead of siding with Magneto or Apocalypse... well, its pretty far-fetched. But you... my Clarice, felt like she had to try and find him, or her, or it. She was an idealist, and was struggling so hard with some of the things Magneto did to procure a homeland safe for mutant-kind. We never heard from her... or Kurt, or any of the others who've gone searching for the Guardian Angel." Its clear he's having a rather hard time with the whole Blink/Not-Clarice situation as well.

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2009-09-09 10:57 pm UTC (link)
"How about we take this little talk somewhere a little more private? A roof over our heads and a place to crash for the night might be a little wise. Big Ben here could use some rest."

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2009-09-10 12:43 am UTC (link)
"Quinn's right, we should get some rest, talk this over and figure out our next step."

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