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Meggan ([info]screamofthemoth) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2013-08-15 19:54:00

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Asgardian Gethsemene, Part 2b (Sarah, Liv, Jason, Meggan)
As the search party gets through the last portal of the series they were magically -- and very, very rapidly -- forced through... well, in terms of what the Tallus said darkness and flames are definitely covered.

Meggan pauses a moment to take in the feel of the place... and cringes. "Should've stayed at the end of the world...."

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2013-08-27 12:52 am UTC (link)
"Okay, so what did we do. How did you get out of the mess your second day?" Meggan keeps listening, looking around, getting a little furrier, a little taller, without even noticing.

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2013-08-27 12:55 am UTC (link)
By the time the question is asked, the Mindless Ones are coming into view, lumbering towards the intruders.

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2013-08-27 01:02 am UTC (link)
Sarah takes every second the slow opponents will give them.

"Mjolnir can hurt them, even if it takes a bit. These guys are strong and tough, but their name is accurate - no skills, no tactics. Aikido works really well, and if they get trapped, knocked over, tangled up... they just try and bull their way loose.

Slow them down any way you can. Knock them over, get them turned around, dodge around and occupy them so they can't gang up... and I'll see about starting to thin the numbers. I can't handle more than four... maybe five at a time, lack of skills or not... but I'll catch up. We needed teamwork last time, even if most folks couldn't scratch their hides. It should work fine this time too... just keep them busy and take advantage of them being slow and single minded."

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2013-08-29 05:48 pm UTC (link)
"Keep them busy?" Jason shakes his head once in resignation, his glider materializing under his feet as he took to the air. Fiery pumpkin bombs formed in hands. "Well, here goes nothing." He then sent a barrage of the bombs at the ground in the Mindless Ones' path, creating small dents in the ground, enough to trip anyone walking straight ahead.

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2013-08-31 10:47 pm UTC (link)
"I can do that," Liv said and headed for the closest one.

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2013-09-01 04:51 pm UTC (link)
As much as there's many downsides to this fight, the nice part about this, for Sarah, is that she doesn't have to hold back or worry about great opposing tactics. She can unload with everything - and needs to.

She starts with a wind up, building up power and energy, then flings the hammer at the first creature in range, trying to bowl it over into others.

She follows right after the hammer, flying with fists extended in a full charge.

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2013-09-01 04:54 pm UTC (link)
Meggan takes to the air and takes the opposite flank from Sarah, trying to take advantage of the stumbling created by the dents in the ground to come down and knock one over.

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2013-09-01 04:56 pm UTC (link)
Uneven ground. Mjolnir going for a cascade on one side, and Meggan and Liv attacking on the other. They don't all go down, but many do, and as the attack continues, there's a chance to figuratively pick up the spare.

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2013-09-03 08:56 pm UTC (link)
Liv didn't dare attack them head on. Instead she struck at their legs, hoping to trip them up and knock them over.

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2013-09-08 07:46 pm UTC (link)
And fall more do, though heavy fists and feet lash out towards each of their attackers as they do. The path is fairly blocked by the huge poweful bodies struggling to get up.

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2013-09-08 11:10 pm UTC (link)
Jason rained down a new barrage of hell-fire pumpkin bombs, this time driving them down on the Mindless Ones directly.

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2013-09-09 12:50 am UTC (link)
Sarah has gotten a lot of practice in since the last time she fought these things, with the hammer, and in general. She trusts the team to at least trip these things up, tie them up, and otherwise slow them down, while she works on keeping them that way - better teamwork, so far, than some of the Exiles teams she's worked with.

She lets the hammer cut loose, dropping lightning and hurricane winds into the back ranks of the Mindless Ones, not needing any particular finesse, so long as she stays in front of her teammates and directs everything forward.

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2013-09-11 09:49 pm UTC (link)
Liv did her best to knock the things over. Once they were knocked down, she tried to keep them there.

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2013-09-14 06:26 pm UTC (link)
"We're keeping them down, but how do we get past them." Meggan takes to the air, managing to stay stable in reaction to the storm-related air-currents quite naturally. "Should I check things out ahead?"

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2013-09-23 05:09 pm UTC (link)
Jason takes out several razor-bats from his pouch.

"Go ahead, kid, I'll cover ya!" He calls out to Meggan before flinging the blades at Mindless Ones' eyes.

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2013-09-29 02:02 am UTC (link)
Meggan looks over everyone and then dives into the air above the monsters, riding out the stormlike effects as she just speeds through into the dark on the other side.

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2013-09-29 02:19 am UTC (link)
Sarah is true to her word. While the others slow, distract and trip up the horde, she does her part to put them down to stay - one or two at a time. She lets the lightning strike amidst their ranks, not trying to direct it beyond keeping it away from the Exiles. In this case, a target rich environment helps her.
She engages up close when she has to, but always uses her flight to never stay close for long, flinging the hammer at vulnerable targets, trying to thin the ranks bit by bit.

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2013-10-06 12:11 pm UTC (link)
Liv kept trying to knock the Mindless Ones over. They counterattacked and Liv didn't move out of the way quick enough. The large hand caught her and she went flying backward, seeing stars.

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2013-10-21 12:22 am UTC (link)
"Shit!" Jason sent a barrage of pumpkin bombs down on the Mindless Ones' from above, trying to give Liv time to get up.

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2013-10-21 12:30 am UTC (link)
And when Meggan returns, she's twitching and clutching and not staying in the air, landing and huddling on the far side of the mass of fallen and half-fallen mindless ones.

"I have bad news....!" she shouts over the sounds of explosions and lightning.
...the lightning raining down on the mindless ones doubles. "...and good news," Meggan finishes.

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2013-10-21 08:25 pm UTC (link)
Sarah has gotten used to making herself heard over the storms - since she can't really control it, just direct it some.

"What's the bad news?" she calls, flinging the hammer again, this time towards the one near Liv. Distracted, she gets slammed backwards, but kicks back to her feet after just a moment to clear her head

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2013-10-22 04:10 am UTC (link)
"Bloody huge magic fight over that way," Meggan says.

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