Generation Hexed
Three years ago, Xarus Tepes, son and slayer of Dracula, united the warring vampire sects under a new banner. They followed his new vision for the future, a future of vampires empowered in a fashion the world had never seen. A melding of vampire and mutant blood, ushered in through fire and blood. In another world, he might have only sent forth one suicide bomber, in San Fransisco, but in this one, he sent many. Overnight, across the United States, the ranks of the vampire nation swelled, bringing mutants and other superhumans into the fold. Some resisted their new natures, many did not. With the aid of the X-Men, Dracula eventually was restored and then resumed control of the vampire nations and restored order, but the swell in the ranks represented a fundamental shift in power amongst the supernatural community. Almost overnight, other camps began responding. Otherworld tested its pact with the British Isles, soliciting humans to serve as scions of fey magic. Tribes of lycanthropes went on offensive strikes into isolated communities to spread their own condition. Things that lurked in dark places offered more power in exchange for fewer souls.
Now, the world has a new face. Fields of wild magic dotted across the globe render technology moot within their territory, and magic is nearly commonplace. Sentinels and Hulkbusters were repurposed and reshaped into magic-powered golems and armors of hideous might. The world has become the stuff of the Brothers' tales, before Disney and modern media got hold of them. Cities run the gamut from overgrown by restored wilderness, to reshaped into gleaming spires of otherworldly beauty, to ruins.
Where and when the Exiles arrive, it is night by all appearances, but there are no stars, and what appears to be the moon high above is featureless and pristine. By all appearances, they are in what was once a suburban neighborhood, but the homes now are either falling apart, or fortified and bearing runes and hex marks across their structures. Swathes of thornbushes have replaced flower-beds and lawns, and spikes of iron ring some of the properties, seemingly the remains of automobiles, torn apart by bare hands and claws.
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