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rogue_star ([info]rogue_star) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2012-07-13 12:08:00

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Entry tags:"this inferno earth", crusader, dorrek, goblin, gwenny, mystic

As they regroup, Sarah glances down at the Tallus, looking puzzled for a few moments.

"Alright... the Tallus is trying to tell me the next step. We need to take the sword to 'our place of greatest strength', and 'bring back what was lost.'" She offers the soul sword towards Quinn. "I think I'm supposed to give this to you."

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2012-09-19 02:36 am UTC (link)
"You can try." she calls back towards the large demon, letting it get the hammer up before she flings Mjolnir at its gut, trying to catch it off-guard.

"Isn't he more of a schemer than a front-liner anyway? He'll be trying to catch us off guard, not be out leading his troops."

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2012-09-19 10:44 pm UTC (link)
Quinn kept focused and continued working the spell. It had been so long ago that this would take quite a bit of time to go back that far to see what was done.

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2012-09-20 04:50 pm UTC (link)
Through the pain, Dory's glad that no one here has a reason to know Skrullos. They'll probably take his shouting as incoherent sounds of pain rather than the swearing that it really is. He wrenches up enormous double-handfuls of the dirt underfoot and pitches them both at the multi-eyed demon. He only just stops himself from following it up by throwing himself at it, but Quinn needs someone to keep him covered.

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2012-09-20 09:59 pm UTC (link)
Sarah's blow rings true, hitting the demon's gut, dropping it to one knee.

The demon may have plenty of yes, but dirt in some still hurts. It hissed in its own tongue, trying to clear its vision.

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2012-09-20 10:02 pm UTC (link)
The dirt was enough to buy Macendale time. He pulled out a pair of his razorbats and ran at the dsoriented demon. He leaped up at it.

"Herrrre's Jason, asshole!" And then Macendale drove the blades into a pair of the demon's eyes.

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2012-09-26 10:03 pm UTC (link)
"Don't let them lure you out, strike, and back into formation, we need to protect Quinn!" Sarah reminds the others. Not that she's overly worried so far, but demons are tricky, and she's sure N'Astirh will try something eventually.

She sees the large demon drop to a knee, as she's catching the hammer, only to send it right back out, aimed for the head this time. She has to be efficient - even if more brutal than normal. There's plenty more demons where these came from.

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2012-09-26 10:06 pm UTC (link)
Quinn was thoroughly engrossed in the spell to notice what was going on around him. He was almost at the point where the spell had been cast.

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2012-09-27 11:26 pm UTC (link)
And Gwenny just keeps up from her position. Although part of her thinks that "C't'lauri" is a funny word to say when you're angry, and wants to remember it for later, since it's not real swearing.

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2012-09-29 10:40 pm UTC (link)
N'Astirh himself finally appears in a nearby tree. His hands move in a series of patterns as he quickly chants off a spell, and then abruptly extends a hand forward at Sarah. Suddenly the Tallus starts to move on its own.

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2012-09-30 06:08 am UTC (link)
That's a new one. So far, nothing she's encountered has been able to do anything to the Tallus - so needless to say, it catches her off guard.
Sarah is quickly working at resisting the movement, and otherwise focusing on defense.

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2012-09-30 11:38 am UTC (link)
Quinn was almost there. He could see the time the spell was cast and could hear the words. Just a little bit longer and he'd be able to undo what was done.

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2012-10-01 04:19 pm UTC (link)
N'Astirh's magic pulls the Tallus toward him, in spite of Sarah's efforts to stop the pull.

"When I first saw this, I could sense it's power. A beacon into the multiverse! With it I will no longer need a Goblin Queen. I will cover all realities in Limbo, becoming a demon-god in my own right!" N'Astirh crowed in triumph as the Tallus drew closer.

"No way in Hell!" Jason flies at him.

"You amused me once, Macendale. Now you've become bothersome!" N'Astirh fires off a potent mystic blast, hitting Jason hard and sending him crashing to the ground. However, it takes N'Astirh's attention away from his pull on the Tallus at a crucial moment.

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2012-10-01 04:22 pm UTC (link)
Despite all her best efforts at times, and some fairly potent help, the Tallus is made to not be removable by any means short of her death - leading Sarah to be pulled right along with the Tallus, despite her best efforts.

She's pretty sure that her death wasn't going to be a problematic condition for N'Astirh, of course.

Jason's distraction gives her an opening, and use of the Tallus arm back. Building on the momentum the spell started, she launches herself, hammer-first, at the greater demon.

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2012-10-01 04:27 pm UTC (link)
Quinn was vaguely aware of what was going on around him and knew things were getting critical. Time to give this plan a go. He knew what needed to be done.

He drew more and more magical energies into himself and called on the Vishanti for more.

When he couldn't possibly hold another drop of mystical energy he unleashed the spell to undo what Queen Psycho did so many years before.

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2012-10-01 04:34 pm UTC (link)
N'Astirh's head snapped at the completion of Quinn's spell, but before he could even consider doing something about it, Sarah nails him the mother of all hammer blows, sending the demon sorcerer crashing to the ground, creating a small crater from the impact.

Lightning flashed and thunder roared as a beam of light struck the ground in front of Quinn, manifesting in the form of a baby. When the baby appeared a massive hole in the sky formed, a fiery chasm appearing on the other side. The demons roared in impotent rage as they were pulled inside. It wasn't just the demons present either, demons all over the world were being pulled inside. N'Astirh screamed in fury, trying to dig into the ground.

"No! I will not be undone! I have come to far! I have touched the door to the infinite! I will not be...!" But N'Astirh was cut off as he was forced from his spot, being flung into the portal as well. Finally, the portal began to close, and as it did, even the air itself became normal again.

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2012-10-01 04:57 pm UTC (link)
The overall storm, meant to help limit the demons begins to die down. After the fights, the darkchilde's spells, and channeling more effort than she usually puts into trying to summon the godly energies, Sarah just finds a wall and slumps down to catch her breath and try and let the headache die down some, once she's confirmed N'Astirh is gone, and the baby is safe.

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2012-10-01 05:45 pm UTC (link)
Dory staggers to his feet, looking around to make a headcount of the Exiles. His shirt's a lost cause at this point, but there's enough of it left to swaddle a baby in, and the ground isn't the most hospitable place for unprotected baby skin.

"Everyone still breathing who ought to be?"

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2012-10-01 07:08 pm UTC (link)
Quinn looked around for a few seconds before he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

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2012-10-02 04:20 am UTC (link)
Gwenny breathes, looks to Illyana, then scurries to Quinn just to be sure. "Yep!"

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2012-10-03 02:37 am UTC (link)
"Somebody get the number to that-ah!" Macendale hits the ground as his body seems to violently shift between his goblin form and his human one.

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2012-10-09 04:27 am UTC (link)
"Whoa!" Dory reaches out a hand toward Macendale, cradling the baby in the other one; then snatches his hand back. "Gwenny, try and wake up Quinn, this was not covered in my first aid training!"

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2012-10-09 05:02 am UTC (link)
"On it, but the Tallus says we're moving in one minute. Get the baby to the safest place you can!"

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