Ladies Night
The Tallus was, predictably but unfortunately, very literal - they got to stay for the funeral. The second the last Exile leaves the doors of the small reception afterwards, they all disappear from Xavier's, and appear in a lush, green wilderness. For those who are used to modern worlds, the air smells cleaner than they have ever encountered, any hint of pollution and the like replaced with the press of vast wilderness.
Once a couple of them take to the air, the first sign of civilization is an impressive one - visible even from a vast distance away, if, perhaps, not the kind of impressive they're used to. Roman columns, polished marble, high stone walls, two palace-like structures, and an arena that would dwarf any modern football stadium can be picked out over the great distance. While smoke rises in places, its wood smoke, no sign of true industrialization present - but the sheer size of the palaces and the stadium make the time hard to discern, as such structures would have been impossible to build in Roman times with the architectural techniques they had, and a city that size would be impossible to sustain without some sort of advanced water supply gathering and waste disposal. Cities just didn't grow in the ancient world, and this place would be comperable in sprawl to many American east coast cities.
There are two other things obvious fairly quickly. First, Dane can feel it right away: Sersi is here... in that city.. Second, as usual, Kev has already been replaced. And due to that replacement, Sarah doesn't mention what the Tallus says right away. She just turns and... stares.
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