Hero Attributes
1. A hero with high politics (pol) increases your resource production and also decreases construction time. As a rule, if you're not attacking someone and you're just building- you'll want a hero with high pol. to be your default mayor.
2. A hero with a high attack (atk) decreases troop training speed and improves your army when you battle. (i.e.- If you have 200 troops and I have only 100, if my hero has high attack I still have a shot at winning.) If you're going to plunder or attack switch to someone with a good attack stat.
3. A hero with a high intelligence (int) decreases research time (You research via your Academy). This is very helpful since some research can take 100+ hours to complete!
As a rule, a "good hero" has a base stat of 65-70+ at level 1 in one of these 3 attributes. Loyalty should be defaulted at 70.
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