Hello, I'm Adina. Believe it or not, I am a member here. And sometimes, I even update.
(not enough, shame on me)
these are from thanksgiving.
me, my sister, her old neighbor, and one of my best friends went light looking.

^he got caught on the little fence

and this is where the real stuff comes in. We found a house who apparently put up this whole story about jesus in their backyard and well.. we couldn't resist.
(this is where I hope it isn't offensive.. I'm jewish so I don't really know much about this)

^^um.. I was a sheep. yea... maybe one too many kaluha and cremes for me. :/

^just chillin, havin a drink with the fellas

^takin smack

^let me explain. His name is Jesus, but I call him Jesus. Uh... I mean Jesus like the spanish one and I call him the English one? Hard to explain without saying it but oh well. Anyway I was trying to hold him.. and he fell. :/


^ warming up by the fake fire
and uh.. one more for the road.

eventually I will post halloween!
I'm behind..
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