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nicole ([info]papergiraffes) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-12-31 12:40:00

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As I'm sure everyone has seen, [info]phalange has brought up the issue of moving Equations to Livejournal.
Before you vote, I suggest everyone checks out the post HERE and look over everyone's points.

Going through the list, I feel the options are:
A.) Equations stays the same
B.) Equations stays at Scribbld, but changes are made
- What sort of changes should be made? (You do not need to answer this, but it will be helpful!)
C.) Equations moves entirely to Livejournal
D.) A mirror community is made at Livejournal, while the community here stays

For both C+D -- Should changes be made to how Equations is ran when it is moved to Livejournal? What kind of changes? Should points made at the LJ community count here?

As brought up, there is a LJ rating community called _bleedingbeauty which it looks like is ran similar to Equations and works out really well. I wasn't there long enough to get a good feel of how it is ran (it was far too active for me), but perhaps someone else is more knowledgeable on the subject.

And, of course, you are allowed to put an entirely different option I haven't thought of.

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2011-01-04 04:44 pm UTC (link)
The required number of votes per month is something I was just thinking of before reading your comment! I think that would definitely solve a few of the activity issues that we're having, especially with voting since there are only four or five votes per duel/superlative which is a bit depressing. If no one votes, it seems moot to even bother posting them to begin with.

A more in depth might help us get to know someone better, but (assuming things are still the same) we are voting entirely on looks so it doesn't seem appropriate to put in questions that may sway our vote. Music, movies and the such just seem to be cake toppers. Although I think occupation, priorities such as work? family? school? (I can't think of a better term right now...), or passions could be decent questions. If someone lists gossiping and painting their dog's nails as their main hobbies, we would know they're not really a good fit for us. Exaggerations, but I hope that's clear. :)

(I'm not sure if this will come up screened or not, but you can make it public if it is!)

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2011-01-04 06:07 pm UTC (link)
I was thinking, for the application, if we placed in personality questions just to see if the person would fit in to the type of community we want. But in order to keep the "equations" aspect, maybe this would work:

If we feel that a person wouldn't fit in, then someone can vote with "abstain". If the person is okay the person joining the community, then they'd rate them as normal.

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2011-01-04 10:19 pm UTC (link)
I just figure if we got that particular with our applicants, that people wouldn't even bother applying. Like we would get a bad reputation or something. It's all so scary! lol

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2011-01-04 11:00 pm UTC (link)
hahaha yeah it's hard to make everything ~perfect :(

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