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nicole ([info]papergiraffes) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-12-12 22:50:00

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updates - mod

freekatieholmes vs paisley_jane -- score is now 8.5
papergiraffes vs phalange
dust vs haute

Superlative Steals

Weekly Theme
Excited for the holidays? Tell us about your holiday traditions! Tell us what you're excited for. Show us what type of food you'll be eating and share recipes! +15 points for participating. This theme will run until December 19th.

Member Spotlight
[info]banana is currently under spotlight! Ask her questions here. Spotlight ends December 17th.

Holiday Honors

Everyone in this community will receive a Holiday Honor from another member! Would you like to make a honor for another member? If so, comment in here.

Other Information
- It seems that Santa has visited the member's page.

*Note*: To me, Christmas has no religious affiliations and it's just a wintery holiday. However, I am aware that not everyone shares this view. If I have accidentally offended you, please comment in this post. I can change your picture back to normal, I have everyone's saved, or I can change it to your liking. All comments are screened.

- These superlatives will be closed in FIVE DAYS if no one claims them:
Best Mixed Eyes
Best Butt
Best Family Portrait
Best Swimwear
Most Embarrassing Picture

(Post a new comment)

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