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paisley_jane ([info]paisley_jane) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-11-16 13:56:00

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 Basics. Name: Mary
Age: 18
Birthday: January 10 1992
Location: Kentucky 
One Thing About Yourself: I work at an assisted living facility. And I love it.
Hobbies & Talents: Drawing, Painting,Photography, Baking
Community Stuff
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Most attractive member?
Everyone here is gorgeous, I can't decide!

Up to 10 photos of your face (one must not be contrasted or brightened and must be a straight on of your face). A body shot would be nice too. You must also include a proof pic. Put an [x] next to the two wanted as your duel pictures. Put a * next to the one wanted for the members page. If you fail to mark your duel and members picture the moderator will choose the least flattering pictures from your application to use. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT OVER-SIZED PICTURES.

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2010-11-20 04:51 am UTC (link)
I wish you had pictures that you didn't take yourself thouuugh.

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