Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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[22 Sep 2009|12:15am]
School started and I'm back to being super busy again, ughhh. Also, I realized that I posted my pictures from Portugal, but never my pictures from Spain! I'm sorry, I just forgot I guess. Plus I had twice as many from Spain then I did from Portugal, so it took a lot of time uploading and editing them.

But without further adieu, I give you Barcelona!
(Warning: Lots of pictures under the cut!!)

I'm gonna sing this song with all of my friends and we're I'm from Barcelona! )
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back from hiatus (26 pictures) [22 Sep 2009|10:16am]
hey folksss. So I've gotten all settled in here at uni, and I'm having the time of my LIFE, as ridiculous as it sounds. I'm on my own, I only know a few people from home, and I'm living in residence with a roomie from Ontario, that I'd never met.
I have a tonnn of pictures, but I'll try to pick out the best ones, and share them :)
x is dynamite, say x is dynamite, say whaaaaat? )
much loves!</center>
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