Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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Stamped/+14 pictures [14 Jul 2009|02:40am]
Haaai guys, I just made a community, [info]modifications. :D Ta-da! I couldn't find an active, informative community regarding body modification here on scribbld so I thought I'd make one of my own. If you're interested at all, please join. I figured since I'm not promoting some other rating community, this would be fine, haha. It's the kind of community that discusses and asks opinion questions (like "What piercing might look nice?" or "What artist should I look at in my state?"), but you can post other photos and discussions, as well. Meh, anyways, I know some of you have piercings and tattoos, so I figured I'd just letcha know it's there now. :P

On Saturday night, Manda and I went to a party at our friend Ryan's house. It was 90s themed. :D So, lots of plaid, flannel, shin-high tube socks, N64, "da bomb" and "what's the dillio?", and Alanis Morissette/Chumbawamba/Eve 6. I went as Daria!

There are a lot of embarrassing photos of me in here. :P
Hella 90s. )

Oh, and I put blue back in my hair! :D Ta-da! )
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