Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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[02 Apr 2009|01:31am]
Text only. SORRY!

If you have an LJ, add me! I'm scenecliche.

Also, myspace.
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scavenger hunt. [02 Apr 2009|05:43pm]
hey )
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[02 Apr 2009|08:42pm]
I know y'all hate my heavy make-up but w/e~ )
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[02 Apr 2009|11:12pm]
Sorry for the text only, but I know a few of you were making mini animated GIFs on a website and I forgot the name of it. I know Angie posted the link not too long ago. I lost my bookmark. Does anyone know the site?


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[ viewing | April 2nd, 2009 ]
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