Do you fit the equation?'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Do you fit the equation?

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[12 Jan 2009|10:52am]
hahaha embarrassing old pictures )
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[12 Jan 2009|12:24pm]
infatuate is accepted with a 8.7
cranium is accepted with a 9.1

ballet vs roark

LIPS: ibmxcrazy vs bubblegum

Weekly Theme
This week the theme is to go to meez and make an avatar of yourself. How would you represent yourself in avatar form? Worth 15 points. Until January 14th.

Other Information
If case you didn't notice, your new mods are myself & [info]smoke. We're thinking of some new things to bring to equations but of course, you gals will vote on it beforehand.

Also remember that you cannot vote or post an entry in equations before you're stamped!

If I missed anything, tell me. I've still got to go around & stamp things for points & such so don't worry about that.
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[ viewing | January 12th, 2009 ]
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