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k. ([info]gutterslut) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2009-06-21 14:22:00

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I'm here visiting my new family.

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I found this on my grandparents' computer... rofl

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The humidity is TERRIBLE. My hair was straight when I got off the plane, and two hours later, bam

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You can see the bay from the porch, there were dolphins playing yesterday!

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I just thought this looked cool

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Also, this creeps me out:


I took this on their WEBCAM. What the fuck do you need an 8 mega pixel webcam for!? I never want to see myself that close and personal again, shit D: (I also left my tweezers at home cos my friend got strip searched at the airport for having tweezers and nail polish in her carry on! SHIt)

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2009-06-22 03:00 am UTC (link)
holy eyelashes batman! you are such a stunner.

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