With us re-opening and stuff, and having some shiny new players and characters, I thought it might be a good idea to re-introduce mine!
Dari Davsion |
coraffabile | Senior | Betrothed to Simon Bailey
Dari is sweet, perky, athletic, bookish, friendly. She's a real flirt, though most of the time she doesn't mean to flirt. She's the kind of girl who pretty much adores everyone, but she's genuinely close to very few people. Her best friends in the whole world are Jeremy Pitt and Ashleigh Barton, the latter of whom she shared a room with until they moved in with their respective betrotheds last year.
Ed Mcmillan |
kingofquod | Senior | Single/Not in the AMP
Ed is attractive and athletic. He's the captain of the school Quodpot team and the only person in the game right now who is NOT in the AMP. He kind of finds the concept of arranged marriages a little ridiculous. As such, he has NO problems at all with flirting with those girls who ARE in the program. If you have an attractive girl who was willing, chances are he's had her on his broom and/or tried to make out with her.
Garrett Pitt |
perfezione | Junior | Betrothed to Katherine Lawrence
Garrett is rich, he's powerful and he's better than you. So he thinks, anyway. He's the epitome of snobby asshole. He can be kind to those he deems worthy of his affections, but those people are few and far between and even his loved ones aren't always spared from his condescending tongue. Most people prefer the company of his older brother Jeremy. He had a penchant for seducing and then discarding innocent girls back home, but since arriving at Eligere and being promised to Katherine, he has been on his best behavior. He would not embarrass his family or his future wife by being caught being unfaithful.
Teddy Gibson |
amarshmallow | Junior | Betrothed to Bells Westland
Teddy is a moody little cynic much of the time, though there is a heart of gold somewhere beneath the surface. His cynical, outspoken nature shines through a majority of the time and he's definitely been known to rub people the wrong way, especially when he's printing less than flattering news about them in the school paper, but he does have a softer side - one that comes out when he's with his younger siblings or closer friends. One of his sisters would be a freshman at Eligere this year and I wouldn't at all hate having her played!
Jackson Wells |
jackwells | Senior | Betrothed to Ashleigh Barton
Jack is.. how can we put this delicately.. a little on the gay side. He's very much in denial about this fact and tries his best to be a guy's guy. He's trying very hard to toe the line with his father and keep up good enough grades to not get expelled while making a go of things with his future wife. The truth is, though, that he really feels no passion for her or for any girl and he's doing all this to try and make his father happy.
You can find my contact info on the player page, or drop me a comment or PM to do some plotting! I'm really excited to start playing with all y'all! ♥
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