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Mod Journal
Dresden Academy
Faculty Journal

December 1st, 2011

03:24 am - Tell me you didn't see this coming
I'm lifting the character limit indefinitely. Changed it in the rules. You still need to turn in additional apps for approval, but you can play as many characters as you want. Students, faculty (adopted or otherwise), family members, people who live in St George's Way. Let's have fun and blow this mother up.

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October 21st, 2011

07:11 am
I added a little bit to the application; I don't know how I left it out before.

In the family/relationships portion I added: Significant Others, Friends, and Enemies.

This is pretty much covered on the relationships pages that most of us set up in our journals, so you don't need to add it if you don't want to. Most of the time it might not even be established until after the character's been accepted, but it's there so we don't forget to do it.

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October 12th, 2011

03:04 am - Updates
Hey gang.

I updated the PB listing so that it's a more orderly block of text.

I also updated our FAQ to contain an explanation of ratings and how we label posts around here.

Keep it classy.

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September 27th, 2011

09:04 am - Fun things!
So I found an ID badge code on rp_tutorials and I thought it would be fun to play with. They only work in entry posts, but I'll keep playing around with it to see if I can get it to work on the profile page.

The codes are here and ready to use.

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September 26th, 2011

05:22 am - Little change to note
I made an !incomplete tag for the comm if you'd like to use it. Mostly since we've had a lot of posts lately; posts we're still playing in have been knocked back to the second page. It's up to you to remove it from your posts when they've been completed and you don't have to use it unless you want to.

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September 20th, 2011

07:56 am - Down the Way
I decided I wanted to make a catalog for Apple's Sweets, like Sassy's totally awesome catalog for the Test Lab. As I was working on it I was thinking, which journal would I post it from?

Thus [info]downtheway was born. Similar to the Faculty Journal, this is a journal for NPCs from St. George's Way. Mostly for shopkeepers, but also for other residents of the way that might interact with your characters.

If you'd like to add something ask for the password.

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August 17th, 2011

03:55 pm - Still here
I'm still here, I promise.

It's been a bit quiet around here, partially because Becky's in the process of moving, but also because I just started a new job (and the sleep schedule has produced a big dip in my creativity). I think once my training is done (mid-Septemberish, maybe sooner) things will definitely start moving a little more.

SEPTEMBER 6th IS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. I doubt my characters are as excited about that as I am, well, maybe Veronica. By then we might have some faculty shakeups and some devastating news for Quodpot!

I added a silly little tag for the school newspaper so it stands out from other owlposts. I decided to name it the DA Post (DA for Dresden Academy) and it turns out it's kind of funny.

As always, if you need anything from me, just email me (it's listed on the contacts page). I check it daily, even when I don't sign on to aim, so I'll get your message eventually.

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July 31st, 2011

06:55 pm - Hey Gang - A Few Things to Note
Minor Changes )

Advertising )

Updates )


You know me, I do go on, but that's about it for summer updates.

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May 28th, 2011

06:51 am - Rule Change
I am going to up the character limit to seven, but I'll leave it up to you if you want to play all adults, all students, or some combination thereof.

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May 27th, 2011

11:16 am
Hey gang. It's like... a monthly Dresden moderator newsletter. I tried to keep it brief; I'm horrible at that. Please skim...

Mod Journal Changes
I added a bit to the university section on the classes and scheduling page. Just a bit more clarifying and background. I also added and changed a bit in wands; I didn't like how flexibility worked, I'm retooling it. If you want to change your character's wand accordingly please feel free. You may have noticed I tweaked around the characters page. The original layout was too hard for me to maintain when adding new characters, so I switched it up. The add all button and contacts have been updated, please give them a once over.

Are we event-ed out for May? We have a St George's Trip scheduled for Sunday, but we can pretend it happened and not make it an event if we're already burnt out on events (from prom, after-prom, quidditch/quodpot tryouts). There's another trip in June that we can play out before the school year ends and we head into summer play. Let me know in the comments. If no one comments I'll assume we're burnt out.

I have been puzzling over how to handle birthdays in this game since we added them into the game calendar. As such we missed Leland's birthday (sorry Beckany). Sass and I cooked up an idea that Cinna (being queen of the events committee) would send out an email at the beginning of each month with a birthday sort of bulletin, which would keep it streamlined and in the comm. If you wanted your character to send presents to another you could use the owling tag or play it out in a thread on or near that character's birthday. I can also make a birthday tag if we want to keep these things together. I think this will make birthdays more unique and keep them in with the spirit of the game. (PS- I'm dreading how to post quodpot/quidditch results when that comes around).

Adult Characters and the Limit
Thus far we only have two officially played adult characters in the game. What I'm thinking is I might up the character limit to 7 if your seventh character is an adult (such as a shopkeeper in St. George's, or an adopted faculty member). And you could certainly play more than one adult below a 7 character limit if you wanted. This really only affects Becky and myself, so I'll talk it over with her (and the limit as it stands is mostly just to keep me from going crazy making characters; you guys know how I am).

I made ICONS
They're not the best, but I made house icons (from the lovely crests Sass made for us) if you'd like to use them in your personal journals for school pride.


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May 5th, 2011

12:31 am - Yay for Googledocs!
So Sass introduced me to tabs in googledocs. So excite! I've added tabs for next year so we can adjust our classes/extracurriculars. I think I've added most of your characters in (based on the scheduling thread), please double check for me. I think I've also added in everyone to edit (if they have a student on the sheet); so if you need to make corrections have at.

Yay! Tabs! I labeled this current school year 2010-2011, next school year 2011-2012 (Sorry Aussies, American schooling is bananas like that).

I didn't adjust the extracurriculars; I'll leave that for you guys to do (if your characters want to drop a club, try something new, or not). I just copied the original, so you just have to go in and move the check marks (make sure you're on the right tab).

I love you guys. Seriously. Mucho mucho.

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April 28th, 2011

07:28 pm - I did an oopsie
Do me a favor everyone and check your characters birthdays.

I realize I never put in a cut-off date for ages. It's November 30th (as per NY school tradition). So your kid can start school at age 10 so long as their birthday is before November 30th.

The way it runs in HP the second number of their age is the same as the year they're in. For example: a junior is year 6 and they'd be 16 for the start of the year (or 15 so long as they're born before Nov. 30th).

Since we're already in the second half of the year you need to check their birthdays at the beginning of the year.

If you decide to hold back your student a year you need to put a good reason in their application.

Please comment here if you end up changing any of your birthdays so we can update the calendar.

Sorry if I made more work for you guys. If it makes you feel any better I screwed up some of my birthdays too.

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