Dresden Out of Character - Sighard Wieland Valemont

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March 10th, 2012

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10:03 am - Sighard Wieland Valemont

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Date:March 12th, 2012 06:55 am (UTC)
I think Sig just barely tolerates Steven. Which in itself is hilarity. And yeah, he'll admit it now he was going for being a special snowflake with the dad reveal, but he's grown up a bit since then.

Sig likes Cinna. She throws the best parties.

Sig finds Riley's brand of pretentious so interesting. He wants to study him and probably observes him, making notes, trying to figure him out piece by piece. Trying to be subtle about it, but eventually he's going to need to meet this character study in person and push some buttons.

Not sure about Tina or Addy, he'd be more likely to run into/meet Tina than Addy, but stranger things have happened in this game.

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