March 10th, 2012
 | 10:03 am - Sighard Wieland Valemont I really have a problem. Did I tell you they come in threes?
Let me introduce you to Sighard (usually called Sig or Siggy, sometimes referred to as Valemont which ends in someone shedding blood or serving detention).
He's a Champlain junior, very smart and somewhat worldly. His claim to fame is that his dad is a well-known vampire and for the first two and a half years at Dresden he went by his mother's maiden name before admitting whose child he was. Since then he hasn't had it terribly easy (lots of his early friends ditched him after the reveal), but he's figured out who he is and who is valuable to him since then.
Originally from Germany, he's been in America so long you'd never know it. He's crazy smart and he loves a good (if pointless and even stupid) adventure (especially if it's ill advised).
He's taking ADV Potions I, Transfig I and Herb I (thinking about becoming a mediwizard if he continues to do well) as well as Divination II, Music, and Lit I. He's in the chess club, intramural sports, school paper, honor society, and he plays the sax in the school orchestra.
We're looking for friends and ex-friends. Sig spent too much time worrying about getting his friends back to be chasing around S.O.s, though that could certainly change now.
Steven's roommate, obvs. HAI THAR. They share a room, Honor Society, Div II, Adv Potions I and Adv Transfig I. They either barely tolerate one another or go out of each other's way to piss the other off. Also, if Loki eats Crick Steven will cut you while you sleep. Possibly thinks Sighard is reaching his ass off for special snowflake status with the OOOH MY DAD'S A VAMPIRE thing xD Maybe an ex-friend? (Ex-as-close-to-friends-as-Steven-tolerates?)
Tina doesn't have any classes with him and is a year up, but they are housemates so might have seen each other around. She's probably a bit 'eek' on the vampire thing but she thinks it would be incredibly rude to ever say anything about it.
Cinna has INTEREST. They have no classes/electives/extracurriculars together and she's a year up in a different house but she knows who he is because she knows everyone kids of infamy gotta hang tight! And she needs adventure buddies. She loves running headfirst into trouble.
Riley... fuck that kid. He is SO HARD to introduce to new characters. They're on School Paper together but otherwise different house and year and no classes together. Any thoughts?
Addy would know him from Intramural and... probably that's it xD If his shitstorm coincided with hers she might have missed what a big deal it was. Also his life is True Blood xD WTF BRO. She might actually have a very (very very very) slight interest in vampires, idek. She's terrified of werewolves, does that help? No? Okay then xD
I think Sig just barely tolerates Steven. Which in itself is hilarity. And yeah, he'll admit it now he was going for being a special snowflake with the dad reveal, but he's grown up a bit since then.
Sig likes Cinna. She throws the best parties.
Sig finds Riley's brand of pretentious so interesting. He wants to study him and probably observes him, making notes, trying to figure him out piece by piece. Trying to be subtle about it, but eventually he's going to need to meet this character study in person and push some buttons.
Not sure about Tina or Addy, he'd be more likely to run into/meet Tina than Addy, but stranger things have happened in this game. |
Scribbld |