Dresden Out of Character - Kazamir de Kooning

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December 17th, 2011

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09:10 pm - Kazamir de Kooning

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Date:December 18th, 2011 11:01 pm (UTC)
Hihi! So clearly I have more characters than is legally recommended by the FDA.

On this journal we have Arnaud, a Jamaican exchange student who decided to stay for a second year. He gets along with almost everyone. He and Kaz have Spell theory, Transfig, and Apparation together.

Luka is dating Addy and I get a feeling that they're going to hate each other. They don't have any classes together and would probably only run into each other because of Addy.

Thorn (Luka's cousin) on the other hand is everyone's good time friend, all too happy to wander around drunkenly. He gets in a lot of trouble because he makes bad/stupid decisions.

Veronica is a creature who strives for perfection. She's in almost every one of Kaz's classes and I'm guessing they hate the shit out of each other.

On [info]actingup we have Carly, queen bitch gossip monger who obviously already knows Kaz. VERY WELL.

There's Maddy, drama geek who dresses like she walked out of a Victorian novel.

And Pepper Stark, a wandmaker on St. George's Way who might provide Kaz with solid fap material.

Then there's [info]anastas. I think it's probably old news how much these two hate each other. Stas and Val kept it hush hush why Stasi left school last spring and it took some prodding from Val to get Stas to agree to go to school with Kaz. I imagine it won't take long for all three of them to regret it.

And last but certainly not least [info]atotheb; though this is Bernadine pretending to be Abernathy to round out her education. I'm sure she's had a few brushes with Kaz since the switch, but she does a spot on Abernathy impression.

If I forgot anybody, fuck 'em.
[User Picture]
Date:December 19th, 2011 02:59 am (UTC)
I definitely want/need to have a Kaz/Luka/Addy interaction because Kaz will totally be the third wheel but think that Luka is the third wheel.

Thorn and Kaz, I feel like, will certainly get along. I imagine them getting piss drunk together and causing all sort of mayhem.................. kind of like you and I..?

Veronica.................. ew.

Oh... Carly... oh god.

So wait... Addy is actually Bernadine? OHMYFUCK. >.
[User Picture]
Date:December 19th, 2011 03:11 am (UTC)
Oh mon dieu.

Yep. Abby is actually Bernadine and Adelaide is one of the few people who know it.

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