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Dresden Academy
Faculty Journal

December 17th, 2011

09:10 pm - Kazamir de Kooning

Hello, Joey here!

I tried playing Kazamir (and some others) previously but was too overwhelmed with other things going on to play in Dresden. Fortunately, I am back and anxious to get back into Kazamir's perverted head again. I will be playing him as if he has been at Dresden for quite some time now but is just now popping up more publicly due to his older brother, Anastas, transferring to Dresden. Kazamir and Anastas do not get along whatsoever and it will come at no surprise (to Carol and I, at least) if the two go at each other whenever they get the chance. Kazamir is fluent in Russian and English (unlike his stuck up, lazy brother) and enjoys avoiding most of the student body at Dresden, drinking whiskey, masturbating to the thought of Professor Olivier (and her radical legs), playing FMK with Addy, pretending his roommate doesn't exist, and being smarter than you.

He will be taking Astronomy, Charms and Wandwork, DADA, Spell Theory, Advanced Transfiguration I, Advanced Potions I, Advanced Herbology I, and Apparation Study this semester and any plot ideas with Kooky Kaz are welcome.


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