Dresden Out of Character - Hello

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December 1st, 2011

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06:20 am - Hello

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Date:December 1st, 2011 09:54 am (UTC)

She and Cinna obviously are going to have PROBLEMS. I think if it weren't for the mutual Thorn obsession they might even have been friends. (Cinna would like to point out that she's not even on the same plane as possessive-obsessive tyvm!!)

Steven is just like... NO THANK YOU. Without the thank you. And the 'no' is more of a flat stare of HATE. What a useless bitch. Gossip? Really? Ugh.

Riley is a GLASS CASE OF EMOTION. Well not really emotion. Just lots of feelings. Of the YOU SLUT and WHAT'S NEW and OMG REALLY SHE DID and GOD DO SOMETHING MORE PRODUCTIVE and omg all the hypocrisy in these thinkings. But you're still the girl at Dresden he'd most like to see naked. Just saying.

Adelaide is somewhat more complex. They have a lot in common (drunkass mom, the sucks-you're-a-girl family, abandoned for messiah bb brother, HATRED OF HUGH GRANT FILMS, evil boy heartbreaks)... they're either allies or MORTAL FREAKING ENEMIES. Help me decide!
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2011 10:08 am (UTC)
Yeah. We're not a fan of Cinna in the LEAST.

Steven is not even on the same plane of existence. Funny, she finds him just as useless as he finds her.

We need to explore this Riley thing. STAT.

I can't decide either. It could tip one way or the other. Maybe it's both. Maybe sometimes they like each other and sometimes they can't stand each other. Depends on the weather.
[User Picture]
Date:December 1st, 2011 10:35 am (UTC)

I wonder if Steven even knows any gossip. He's probably so far out of everyone's circle that he's completely unaware of any 'news'.

... you would, cheerleader skank. Got a light?

Both works for me! It's probably one of those friendships where they aren't friends and don't give a shit about one another, but defend each other to the death when it's one of those things they see themselves in.

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