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Dresden Academy
Faculty Journal

April 24th, 2011

[info]runningamok06:20 pm
Veronica has a little tiny crush on Manney. And she calls him Nikolai (because that's his proper name and that's what you call people). Veronica might like November, even if she doesn't "get" her. She despises Violet and sadly she doesn't talk to Scarlett at all because they look so much alike.

Abby likes Scar too. She flips off Vi every chance she gets (she informed me that can tell them apart). Abby thinks Xavier's a bit of a goody-goody, but she likes him better than most of the Nikitin boys. She would like November and probably have hair dying parties with her.

Thorny minds a little tiny bit that they like Luka more than him, but he'd still bang them both. Thorny just doesn't understand his other cousins; he says he tried once, but then he got a headache. November... PLANS OF DOOM. :D

Luka + Vi + Scar = terrible threesome. He loves them too, but he absolutely refuses to see them as role models for appropriate behavior (and really, he just can't help it).

Arnaud thinks Vi and Scar are pretty goddamn hysterical, though he's a bit laid back for some of their hijinks (and he loves to play with their hair). Xavier definitely gets a share of the grass. He pretty much adores November.

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