Dresden Out of Character - ROCKSTAAAR

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Dresden Academy
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May 4th, 2011

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07:26 pm - ROCKSTAAAR

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[User Picture]
Date:May 5th, 2011 12:43 pm (UTC)
Googly eyes are appreciated, (I totally just wrote google eyes) and I think it depends on Alistair at times. In faily failness, I haven't completely decided if he'd be all handwavey and dismiss things with amusement or if he'd be all reluctantly GOOD about it and sorry kiddo, must be getting you in the shit with the important school people now you gone did bad.

That ..doesn't make sense, but annnnyway Alistair could be understanding, but there will be times where he'll be :| kay that was dumb.

Sharing = good ..perhaps there are some times when he can be swayed on rules then. >.> hmmmmm.

[User Picture]
Date:May 5th, 2011 02:43 pm (UTC)
I wrote google eyes the first time I wrote it as well! XD
Either way, it's gonna be totally fun to see what sort of mood he is in at the time xD

I'm sure sharing is how the Nikitin boys have managed to get through school with relatively spotless records xD

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