Dresden Out of Character - ROCKSTAAAR

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May 4th, 2011

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07:26 pm - ROCKSTAAAR

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[User Picture]
Date:May 5th, 2011 02:26 am (UTC)
Hello monster!

So I figure Alistair wouldn't have much cause to chat with Arnaud or Veronica because they're my well behaved kids, but the other three...

Hawthorne and Luka are almost always in trouble and almost always together; they like to party and would probably love hanging out at the guard hut. Abernathy is also almost always in trouble and she's a sucker for accents (though not willing to admit it).
[User Picture]
Date:May 5th, 2011 12:50 pm (UTC)
rawrh monster!

I think yeah, that sort of thing Alistair can be relaxed with, the come and hang out sort of thing is all good just don't make me get you in trouble. They would be welcome, until they find out 21 is the American drinking age and go OH CRAP. XD

As for accent. Alistair says Tings, Therty and .. accenty things.

<3 Yaaay thank you for gameing.

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