May 4th, 2011
Nina here - you guys know meee. <3 I know you, thanks for inviting (HARASSING) me. :D
This is Alistair, also from the UK, born in Ireland. ACCENT OF WIN. He went to Hogwarts and stuff, then undertook Auror training and now is visiting the USA as part of a transfer thing within the Ministry for Magic Law Enforcement department. Due to being on a sort of probation/rookie period he has been posted as a guard at Dresden Academy! Along with Rhys. Yay! Dresden gets all the hotness, lucky Dresden.
He and Rhys are partners (IN AWESOME, NOT IN SEX) and they're the BESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WOOORLD. They couldn't be more alike in terms of being blokey, fun loving, - GIRLS AND BOOZ - and generally easy going to everything around them. He's going to love being at the school because it's a little more relaxed and like a bit of a working holiday and it's probably an excuse to act a bit like a big kid. Still he has the ability to be an awesome, dedicated Auror of kickass proportions when the need might arise.
OMG HAI BETCH So, my dear Cinna is a LOUD HAPPY THING that sometimes gets into trouble on account of being LOUD and amongst the first to rush headfirst into TROUBLE. Also she's very flirtatious, but not in a serious way-- she knows nothing's happening there. Steven you will likely have nothing to do with. He is quiet and studious and never gets into anything ever, as it requires too much socializing. ADELAIDE we discussed! Not big on the trouble side of things lately, but potentially on the radar for being one of the older not-quite-students, which means post-curfew wanderings and sneakings of cigarettes!
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/315356/48803) | From: | purist |
Date: | May 5th, 2011 12:03 pm (UTC) |
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TROUBLE. To even the battingest eyelashes there will be sternness and reacting as they should, but not so much that students don't still fancy them. >.>
Also Adelaide and the YOU CAN'T DRINK UNTIL 21 HERE? Will be the lols.
They're going to be such fun. XD I MEAN SERIOUS GUARDS.
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/315769/48803) | From: | purist |
Date: | May 5th, 2011 12:12 pm (UTC) |
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![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/311685/46599) | | | I fail at all things ever. | (Link) |
OMG WHY ARE THERE SO MANY HOT OLDER BRITISH MEN SUDDENLY AT THE SCHOOL Seriously. My girls do NOT know what to do with themselves! Also: HI! I am Emma/Polly! The admiring is just the same as it is for Rhys on their end, though Rosa is definitely eying Alistair a little more, I think. And I should probably actually introduce them better. I have Tori (aka Trouble) and Rosana.
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/315770/48803) | From: | purist |
Date: | May 5th, 2011 12:20 pm (UTC) |
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YAY LINKS :D Don't worry, I couldn't even get the stupid thing to post in my JOURNAL, so I think sometimes sribbld is magically eeevil.
Hi! Nice to meeet you!
Admiring is win, and rightly so Alistair is moar deserving of eyeing - HE'S SO DARK AND MYSTERIOUS LOOKING RIGHT?
I look forward to the plots - always feel free to ping be about also if you happen to have an idea!
Rosana and Alistair could be animagus paaaaals lulz XD
Mysterious dark icon is mysteriously dark.
HERRRO! Dis Becky with my 80 mil characters already. On this journal I have Vi and Scar who are twins in Champlain and total trouble makers. They definitely make googley eyes at Alistair and Rhys. Scar accidentally sweet talks her way out of things most of the time but these girls are constantly into things. From teasing other students to pulling elaborate pranks at events to sneaking off campus after curfew. Siiiiiigh. They're exhausting. Then there's Nik or Manney and Xavier who are brothers in their first year at University. Nik sneaks around smoking clove cigarettes and Xa sneaks around smoking weed. They always share the good though. xD And then there's November, she's one of the very quiet students who has never gotten detention in her life. Though... that's likely to change. >.> And of course can't forget Leland who is in the office more than he is in class. He's a fighter through and through and constantly getting kicked out of class. When he does get kicked out he tends to wander the campus and get into more trouble.
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/315359/48803) | From: | purist |
Date: | May 5th, 2011 12:43 pm (UTC) |
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Googly eyes are appreciated, (I totally just wrote google eyes) and I think it depends on Alistair at times. In faily failness, I haven't completely decided if he'd be all handwavey and dismiss things with amusement or if he'd be all reluctantly GOOD about it and sorry kiddo, must be getting you in the shit with the important school people now you gone did bad.
That ..doesn't make sense, but annnnyway Alistair could be understanding, but there will be times where he'll be :| kay that was dumb.
Sharing = good ..perhaps there are some times when he can be swayed on rules then. >.> hmmmmm.
I wrote google eyes the first time I wrote it as well! XD Either way, it's gonna be totally fun to see what sort of mood he is in at the time xD
I'm sure sharing is how the Nikitin boys have managed to get through school with relatively spotless records xD
Hello monster!
So I figure Alistair wouldn't have much cause to chat with Arnaud or Veronica because they're my well behaved kids, but the other three...
Hawthorne and Luka are almost always in trouble and almost always together; they like to party and would probably love hanging out at the guard hut. Abernathy is also almost always in trouble and she's a sucker for accents (though not willing to admit it).
![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/315767/48803) | From: | purist |
Date: | May 5th, 2011 12:50 pm (UTC) |
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rawrh monster!
I think yeah, that sort of thing Alistair can be relaxed with, the come and hang out sort of thing is all good just don't make me get you in trouble. They would be welcome, until they find out 21 is the American drinking age and go OH CRAP. XD
As for accent. Alistair says Tings, Therty and .. accenty things.
<3 Yaaay thank you for gameing. |