Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy


February 24th, 2012

The Party to End All Parties

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When: Monday, February 22nd
Where: Castle Ford, Lake Luzerne, NY
What: Cinna throws a birthday party for Bernadine and Abby. CHAOS ENSUES.
Rating: Let's just say probably NSFW

Cinna tried hard to keep secrets, she really did. But somehow, through someone, her super secret surprise birthday party for Abernathy had become known, and people from all corners were asking questions about it-- when was it, where was it, what should they bring, if they could bring a friend... before she knew it, word of a giant bender she was organizing over holiday had gotten out, and everyone in the school seemed to think they were invited. She was pretty sure some of them didn't even realize this was specifically for Abby's birthday.

She gave up on her awesome idea of a small, cozy bash and informed her best friend (actually Bernadine, as she had still not figured this out) with a rather sheepish face that she was maybe possibly accidentally hosting a giant party... at Abby's house. On her birthday. And that everyone was coming. Everyone.

Somehow, Bernadine convinced Abernathy that this wouldn't be such a disaster. )

February 13th, 2012

Valentine's Day Owling Booths

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npc: owl
Early in the morning of Valentine's Day, before the students roused, owling booths were set up in the main corridors of Maple and Oak Halls as well as outside the student dorms. There, students could purchase candygrams from Apple’s Sweets or roses from the Herbology labs, which were then sent anonymously or with a signed note to crushes and loved ones. Purchases are only available to be made between class or on breaks, but will be delivered throughout the day.

February 8th, 2012

Sweetheart Dance - Friday, February 10th (Open to all)

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With the start of a new year, things tended to be a little hectic. January tended to be quiet events-wise, to give people time to get everything under control and get themselves sorted to deal properly with the second semester. But when February rolled around, that all changed. That all-important holiday, St Valentine's Day, was just around the corner, and the Events Committee was sure to let everyone know about it.

This year the dance fell a few days before Valentine's itself. Great big heart-shaped posters appeared all over the school, inviting everyone to don their cutest outfits and join in a celebration of fun and romance on the evening of Friday, February 10th in the ballroom.

On the night in question, the ballroom was awash in shades of pink and red. Candles and spotlights had been charmed to take on the colors, and the ceiling was covered in heart-shaped balloons, some of which were also tied to chairs and tables around the outside of a spacious dance floor. The walls were decked with streamers (again in pink and red), and in the corner a DJ was set to fill the room with every 80s ballad ever recorded, a bubble-blowing machine at her side to cover the dancers.

December 21st, 2011

New Years House Party [open to all!]

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cinna: lmao
On the morning of December 31st, Cinna was up bright and early making sure that everything was prepared for the giant party she was throwing later that evening. She hadn't specified any start time, thinking people would show up whenever they like knowing full well that the fireworks were on at midnight (after all, it was a New Years Eve party, and people weren't completely stupid).

Along with Independence Day, New Years was one of Cinna's favorite holidays. She just loved fireworks, and having the holidays at opposite ends of the year meant that they could be experienced in different ways. One was all about summer barbecues, and the other was about getting tipsy and ridiculous with friends.

She decisively banished her parents to their end of the house once the first guests arrived. She didn't need their help-- people could get their own food and drinks out of the kitchen and entertainment areas where it was all laid out and ready for the taking-- and she certainly didn't need her mom ogling all the teenage boys about. Or worse: Them ogling her back.

She offered silly tiaras and noisemakers to everyone, and put the leftovers in piles on tables for when it was closer to midnight, or when people were just drunk enough to want to play with them anyway, and wandered around to say hi to friends.

December 4th, 2011

Winter Social - Friday, December 9th (open to all)

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Dresden winter
The events committee pulled off a rather impressive decorating scheme given their limited budget this year. Old silver and blue candles lit every alcove, sparkled above students heads as the floated around the ceiling. A spell created snow that fell among the candles and dissipated just as it reached the shoulders of the students partying below.

Recycled ribbons and streamers in a wintery palette draped on the walls, off the back of chairs and the small stage that graced the far end of the ballroom. Tables were draped with cloths in various shades of icy blue, some silver, some pristine white (at least until the students managed to spill their beverages).

Music hummed in the corner as a local cover band warmed up their instruments. The usual spot for photographs was set up just inside the doors. Professors wandered around the periphery, making sure the students were on their best behavior, though as these things usually ended up, the students were a lot better at misbehaving than their professors were at stopping them.

December 1st, 2011

Scheduling for Spring - Friday Dec 2nd (University students only)

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Nathaniel Dawkins
Each year Dawkins removed a set of folders from his filing cabinet. In the spring the set was rather large, covering all of the students above year two. In the fall the set was much smaller, comprised only of the university students.

Each semester the university students could decide if they wanted to continue in their chosen subject or to study something new. He posted a sign outside his door for the students to choose their preferred slot.

He expected throughout the day that some of the chosen mentors would be drifting in and out of his office as well. They liked to be involved in the process, particularly if the student needed some discussion to encourage them to continue.

Dawkins leaned back in his chair, blue bowtie firmly knotted, waiting for the first student on the docket.

OOC Note )

October 28th, 2011

Halloweenfest After Party (open to all who received invites and their +1s)

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Huletts Landing
Out on the far side of Lake George, just far enough off campus to allow apparating for those that could, was an old, abandoned boathouse. Many, many years ago it had been used by one of the families in the area but over time it fell into disrepair, forgotten by all. Except for the enterprising troublemakers of Dresden Academy, that is.

What had once been an elegant exterior was now covered in vines and graffiti, windows shattered and boarded up against the snows and rain. The upstairs had been a small apartment, presumably for the family to stay overnight on fishing trips. Now it was a gutted series of connected rooms and a dirty (but functional) ensuite that provided an ideal party venue for the kids who wanted freedom and mayhem all in a conveniently sheltered location. The downstairs had been storage for the boats, leading into the lake via a gently sloping ramp. The exterior doors had long since been sealed, and the dark, dank, cobweb-filled cavern of a basement had sat empty ever since-- save for the brave young lovers from every party who would take any opportunity for privacy.

No one was really sure who organized the secret afterparty for Halloweenfest every year. )

October 1st, 2011


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Homecoming, as the first major school social event of the year, was always met with great anticipation by the students. This year the Events Committee had decided on a theme of 'At The Movies', and the ballroom was decorated appropriately.

A long red carpet led into the hall, and just before entering into the dance itself, a 'paparazzo' would take portraits of the attendees, on their own or in couples or groups. The red carpet continued into the ballroom itself. Small tables with black and white decorations peppered the outside of the open center of the hall, which was being used as a dancefloor. Balloons covered the ceiling, and a refreshments and snacks table sat off to the side, guarded at all times by a vigilant adult.

A small podium was elevated on the opposite side of the dancefloor from the drinks table; where the 'Oscars' would be announced and given out. Towards the back, a small area for the entertainment. The local band Vampira had been hired again, after attempts to coax the students into performing (for free) had failed.

It didn't matter though. The night was young and sure to be, as always, a roaring success.

[OOC: Hop in anywhere you like except for the Homecoming Court slot. Save that for the winners!]

September 26th, 2011

And the nominees are...

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Greetings students! Your nominees for the 2011 Homecoming Court Dresden Academy Oscars are:

Ryder Balston
Riley Bloodfeather
Maddy Cooper
Rosana Cordozo Rios
Scarlet Evans
Violet Evans
Abernathy Ford
November Hall
Adelaide Legaux
Hawthorn Nikitin
Luka Nikitin
Nikolai Nikitin
Xavier Nikitin
Kristin Pruitt
Arnaud Powell
Steven Suzuki
Leland Sykes
Cinnamynn Thompson

Write your vote for Best Actor and Best Actress on the back of your ticket and drop them in the ballot at the door. Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress will be determined by vote runoff. Remember, you can only vote for one person for each title, and tickets with ineligible votes will not be counted.

[OOC: Voting actually takes place on homecoming night, but for ease of getting our shit together and making play in the homecoming thread smooth, we're doing it now, in this post. Comments are screened and results will be announced at coronation, 8:30pm at homecoming.]

September 19th, 2011

Homecoming Court Nominations

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Outside of the library, a colourful box covered in glitter and stars is secured to the wall beside the return chute. A huge sign in Cinna's handwriting informs passers-by that nominations for Homecoming Court the Dresden Academy Oscars are being accepted until the end of class on Friday.

[OOC: Comments will be screened, please comment with nominations from whichever of your characters would bother!]

June 13th, 2011

The sandpocalypse is nigh!

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cinna: eager
Who: Everyone!
When: Friday July 8th
Where: South Beach, Miami
What: Cinna throws the first beach bash of the summer!
Rating: Xenu only knows.

School had been out barely a day before Cinna sent out a mass email inviting everyone ever to come hang out. She figured after Independence Day people would probably be sick of their families already, so proposed the weekend after that: a beach party on Friday and if anyone wanted to stay for the rest of the weekend they were more than welcome.

Friday couldn't come quickly enough. Part of the beach had been blocked off for them very early in the day, and Cinna's parents had very thoughtfully hired some entertainment-- a series of beach vans, one with ice creams and slushies, another with food, a third with a bar and an attendant paid to look the other way, and a little DJ booth on wheels.

The sky was endlessly blue, not a cloud in sight to spoil the day ahead, and the beach was clear and ready for the shenanigans to begin.

May 22nd, 2011

Quodpot and Quidditch Tryouts (open to all students)

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Tryouts run from May 23rd to the 27th, from 3:30pm until dinner time. Some coaches may have students return after dinner for callbacks.

Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.

Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.

Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.

OOC Bits )

May 13th, 2011

After Prom Party

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Maria Morgendorfer
Each year the students are given the option of an after prom party held in the Dresden Hall gymnasium. This year the gym was divided up into several diversions.

One quarter of the room is sectioned off with sumptuous fabric and lush pillows for students who want a break from all the excitement. Another quarter is filled with theatre chairs and a big screen television for an all night long movie marathon; a quieting charm on the perimeter keeps the noise from the other activities. A third quarter of the room is filled with games and other such entertainments. The final quarter is set up with tables and refreshments.

Students are locked in at 11:00pm and are only allowed to leave with a chaperon to escort them back to their dorm. Doors unlock at 7:00am so that students may go to breakfast in the main dining hall.

OOC Bits )

The Prom

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Seamus Morgendorfer
Cinna Thompson had almost single handedly pulled the prom together. The ballroom was decorated with festoons of floating flowers. Stars hung from the ceiling, each set to sparkle as if they were properly in the sky. The outskirts of the room were set with small round tables that could accommodate one or two couples. A table of refreshments was guarded at all times by Seamus Morgendorfer and a rotating cast of other faculty who volunteered to chaperon for the evening.

A glittery ballot box stood next to the entrance where students were set to write down their chosen prom king and queen and drop their tickets into the box. Students began to stream in after dinner to quiet music playing over the speakers. The band, a local group called Vampira was scheduled to begin playing around 7:30.

Needless to say it was going to be an excellent evening.

OOC Bits )

May 12th, 2011

And the nominees are...

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Greetings students! Your nominees for the 2011 Prom Court are:

Ryder Balston
Maddy Cooper
Rosana Cordozo Rios
Victoria Driessen
Scarlet Evans
Violet Evans
Abernathy Ford
November Hall
Adelaide Legaux
Hawthorn Nikitin
Luka Nikitin
Nikolai Nikitin
Xavier Nikitin
Arnaud Powell
Steven Suzuki
Leland Sykes
Cinnamynn Thompson

Write your vote for Prom King and Queen on the back of your ticket and drop them in the ballot at the door. Remember, you can only vote for one person for each title, and tickets with ineligible votes will not be counted.

[OOC: Voting actually takes place on prom night, but for ease of getting our shit together and making play in the prom thread smooth, we're doing it now, in this post. Comments are screened if it decides not to fuck up again, and results will be announced at coronation, 8:30pm at prom.]

May 9th, 2011

Prom Court Nominations

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Outside of the library, a colourful box covered in glitter and stars is secured to the wall beside the return chute. A huge sign in Cinna's handwriting informs passers-by that nominations for Prom Court are being accepted until the end of class on Thursday.

[OOC: Comments will be screened, please comment with nominations from whichever of your characters would bother!]
[Son of OOC: Apparently comment screening is not working. But nominate away anyway!]
[The OOC returns: Fixed! As you were, soldiers!]

May 3rd, 2011

Scheduling for Next Year (open to 3rd years through university students)

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Nathaniel Dawkins
Upperclassmen had been sent home with pamphlets over spring break to think about their options for the next semester. Third year students could pick up an elective for their freshmen year, fourth years could pick up two electives as sophomores; those meetings tended to go the quickest. It was the meetings with fifth years and beyond that tended to take up the full 15 minutes alloted to them.

These students had to receive recommendations to take advanced classes, or opt to take electives. Last year Nathaniel Dawkins had tried to talk everyone out of taking magical crafting, if only because that class filled up so fast they had to open another section of it. He had their files arranged already; all the students signed up for time slots earlier in the week. Professors had already sent Dawkin's their recommendations; those had been read and placed among their academic transcripts.

The university students were another group altogether. They had to select a mentor and core focus for their fall semester and if they could look ahead and think about what they wanted in the spring as well. They'd need additional meetings later in the semester with their chosen mentor; thankfully that was out of Dawkin's hands.

Students would be wandering in and out of classes for their fifteen minute blocks, but this was the standard practice for this time of year. Dr. Dawkins was ready, about as ready as he ever was.

OOC Notes )
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