Dresden Academy

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Dresden Academy


March 18th, 2012

Student Bulletin: Posted everywhere on Sunday

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Jillian Hulett
Dear Students,

In light of recent behavior on and off campus there will be a MANDATORY assembly to discuss our school code of conduct in the Grand Ballroom on Monday directly after tenth period. Attendance will be taken, any absences will result in detention for the rest of the school year.

I respect that you will take this seriously, arrive on time, and match your behavior to the standards I have come to expect of Dresden Academy.

Thank you,
Jillian Hulett

January 22nd, 2012

Quodpot Tryout Results

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James Walsh
What the students didn't know about the sudden decision to reduce their quodpot teams from 5 to 2 is that it was in the works since the fall semester. The quodpot coaches might have left their teams tied at the end, but then they couldn't decide who would stay on to coach and who would leave.

After Jaime stepped aside it was decided that they'd have two more matches at the start of the new year before breaking the news to the kids. The coaches of the winning teams from those last two matches would be the coaches of the new teams.

After some heavy arguing, Lars Holden and James Walsh (the newly crowned quodpot coaches) added one caveat. University students would once again be eligible to play quodpot and they'd be invited to the tryouts along with the other students.

It's Holden vs. Walsh forever )

OOC: Just let me know which of your kids made the cut, which position, which team. I'll leave it to you. <3

Student Bulletin: Posted everywhere on Friday

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Jillian Hulett
Dear Students,
It is with great regret that I must inform you that there will be no quodpot matches this weekend.

Instead there will be tryouts, as we reduce our number of teams from five down to two.

I expect that no one will be very happy with this decision, but it is with the school's fiscal function in mind that it has been made. I do hope that you will come to understand and respect this decision in the same serious vein in which it was decided.

Your headmistress,
Jillian Hulett

September 22nd, 2011

Student Government Results

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Amalia Vass
It is my honor to announce the elected student government for 2011-2012.

President: Veronica Cantrell
Vice President: Abernathy Ford
Business Manager: Cinnamyn Thompson
University Representative: Nikolai Nikitin
Senior Representative: Violet Evans
Junior Representative: Madelyn Cooper

Our first meeting will be Monday next week in my classroom. Congratulations to all those elected and thank you all for your wonderful nominations.

Amalia Vass
Professor of Combative Magic

Posted All Over Campus

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Jillian Hulett
Dear Students,

As you know Parents' Weekend is almost upon us. I would like to take this time to ask you all to be on your best behavior while family and friends visit the campus.

Dining hours have been expanded to allow your visiting guests to dine with you. Tours of the grounds and facilities will be posted. Parents may interview with faculty who will be on hand to answer any questions.

Open campus is extended to all students given that you have an adult with you; you are welcome to visit St. George's Way with your family and enjoy any other local sites (such as nearby Lake George, or the Adirondack Balloon Festival taking place at the Floyd Bennet Memorial Airport). Please remember that when you leave campus and the haven of St. George's Way you are not permitted to use magic.

I expect that this will be our best Parents' Weekend yet.

Thank you,
Jillian Hulett

September 18th, 2011

Student Government Elections

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Dresden crest
Dear Students,

It is time to vote for your 2011-2012 student government. You may vote for only one nominated student in each position. Representatives will be a write in ballot; you may select one student from each class year to sit on the student government committee (whether or not they are running for another position).

Your nominees are as follows:

President: Veronica Cantrell, Hawthorne Nikitin, Luka Nikitin, Xavier Nikitin

Vice President: Ryder Balston, Riley Bloodfeather, Scarlett Evans, Abernathy Ford

Business Manager: Steven Suzuki, Cinnamyn Thompson, Madelyn Cooper

Year Representatives:
University: write in ballot
Senior: write in ballot
Junior: write in ballot

Thank you,
Amalia Vass
Professor of Combative Magic

OOC: all comments will be screened. You have until Thursday to get your votes in.

September 8th, 2011

Student Government Nominations

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Amalia Vass
Dear Students,

Welcome back to Dresden Academy. I hope you all had a restful summer holiday. I have been tasked with assisting the student government for this school year. I would like to start early and I will begin accepting nominations this week.

I would like nominations for the positions of president, vice president, and business manager; these may be from any class year. General nominations may be offered for individuals to serve the student council as a representative for their individual class year.

I know it is very early in the semester, but we do like to get a jump on these matters.

Amalia Vass
Professor of Combative Magic

OOC: Please comment to this entry with your nominations for student government. You can nominate your own characters or someone else's. You have until next Thursday.

June 22nd, 2011

School Bulletin

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Jillian Hulett
Dear students,

As our school year draws to a close I'd like to take this time to remind you that Friday is the last day of classes. Your parents have already been informed that you may remain in the dormitories until Sunday afternoon. Shuttles will start running Friday evening to St. George's Way for the floo and other transportation. Your parents should be contacting you this week to inform you of your travel arrangements.

Your house parent will be circulating with room check out forms before you leave. Please be sure to read them and follow the directions for check out procedure.

Seniors and graduating University students will have a brief graduation ceremony before dinner on Friday in the ballroom. All students and faculty are invited to attend, as well as the graduating students' family.

I hope you all do well on your tests and have an excellent summer,
Jillian Hulett

April 29th, 2011

School Bulletin

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Robin Fortin
On behalf of the faculty I'd like to issue a general warning to any students traveling in the area this weekend. In light of the heavy rains recently there are several flood warnings in effect and many roads have been closed. Please check the weather before you travel and make sure your chosen routes are open.

Robin Fortin
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