Homecoming, as the first major school social event of the year, was always met with great anticipation by the students. This year the Events Committee had decided on a theme of 'At The Movies', and the ballroom was decorated appropriately.
A long red carpet led into the hall, and just before entering into the dance itself, a 'paparazzo' would take portraits of the attendees, on their own or in couples or groups. The red carpet continued into the ballroom itself. Small tables with black and white decorations peppered the outside of the open center of the hall, which was being used as a dancefloor. Balloons covered the ceiling, and a refreshments and snacks table sat off to the side, guarded at all times by a vigilant adult.
A small podium was elevated on the opposite side of the dancefloor from the drinks table; where the 'Oscars' would be announced and given out. Towards the back, a small area for the entertainment. The local band Vampira had been hired again, after attempts to coax the students into performing (for free) had failed.
It didn't matter though. The night was young and sure to be, as always, a roaring success.
[OOC: Hop in anywhere you like except for the Homecoming Court slot. Save that for the winners!]
A long red carpet led into the hall, and just before entering into the dance itself, a 'paparazzo' would take portraits of the attendees, on their own or in couples or groups. The red carpet continued into the ballroom itself. Small tables with black and white decorations peppered the outside of the open center of the hall, which was being used as a dancefloor. Balloons covered the ceiling, and a refreshments and snacks table sat off to the side, guarded at all times by a vigilant adult.
A small podium was elevated on the opposite side of the dancefloor from the drinks table; where the 'Oscars' would be announced and given out. Towards the back, a small area for the entertainment. The local band Vampira had been hired again, after attempts to coax the students into performing (for free) had failed.
It didn't matter though. The night was young and sure to be, as always, a roaring success.
[OOC: Hop in anywhere you like except for the Homecoming Court slot. Save that for the winners!]
7:00 - 7:30
Those weren't necessarily Bernadine's favorite things to do, but she had to make a show of it. Knowing her sister's favorite movie (and her penchant to never be too girly) she dressed up as Marla Singer and mingled in the hallway before the dance properly started up.
7:30 - 8:30
He loved the theme of this dance (better than some of the ridiculous things the events committee usually came up with). He jumped on the idea of dressing up as a movie character and picked his favorite of all time: Ferris Bueller.
At the moment he was rocking his lady's leopard vest on the dance floor, making sporadic movements that threatened to clobber anyone who got too close.
8:30 - 8:45
Homecoming CourtDresden Academy Oscars. Anyone attempting a long speech will be played off.Homecoming Court Announcements
At 8:30pm precisely, she approached the podium to the side of the dancefloor, waving her wand and sending out a firework of sparks across the room over the students' heads. The band obligingly wound down, and now that she had everyone's attention she began her speech.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, guests and nominees... thank you for joining us tonight at this magnificent event, the 2011 Dresden Academy Homecoming Dance and Oscar Presentation Ceremony! Please give a big thank you to your Events Committee for bringing the night together." She paused while the crowd clapped politely, led with whoops and cheers from the Events Committee girls themselves.
"Without further ado, I'd like to congratulate the Homecoming Court nominees and announce the winner of the Best Supporting Actor and Actress statuettes. It was an extremely tight field this year, so please cheer your congratulations for Best Supporting Actor, Hawthorne Nikitin--" she waited for the noise to die down and continued "and Best Supporting Actress Cinnamynn Thompson!"
"I can't begin to list the people who've played a part in my win!" he yelled so that the speakers squealed. "I want to thank my mom for giving birth to me, my dad for supplying the sperm, the inspiration of the Clash for driving my music career and the sheer awesomeness of David Bowie's package for encouraging me to try acting."
All in all it was probably a good thing, because now she was so concerned she'd upset one of her favourite teachers that she wasn't going to make a giant fuss over a speech. Instead, she kept her celebrations to a low-key squeal and bouncing dance of joy.
He passed the mic back to Professor Morgendorfer with the slightest nod of gratitude and stepped to the side so she could announce the big winners of the evening.
At the professor's urging, she crowded Thorn back down the tiny steps to the side of the platform. "Hey let's go poke people with our shiny new gold dildos!"
Homecoming Court Announcements
"And now the moment you have all been waiting for. The winner for Best Actor is..." She paused for effect, opening the envelope with the winner's name inside. "Luka Nikitin!"
After a few minutes of cheers and applause from the crowd, it became apparent that Luka was not there to accept his prize. She put the statuette on the podium in front of her and moved on to the last part before the nominated girls started tearing each other apart in anticipation. "We'll pass this on later," she joked, preparing the final envelope.
"Finally, it is my great pleasure to announce your Homecoming Queen for 2011. The winner, for this year's Best Actress award, is... Madelyn Cooper!"
Madelyn didn't think she'd ever win anything at a dance, certainly not what was probably the closest thing to Homecoming Queen without being labeled that.
She made her way up to the stage and took the award with a big grin. "Thank you!" she said sweetly, not needing to add to the spectacle that was Hawthorne and Cinnamyn.
8:45 - 10:30
"That's so lame," he groused to his not-date.
Re: Riley/Phoenix
Phoenix sighed loudly to Riley’s muttering. “So lame.” She agreed drolly. “Don’t they recognise a prop when they see one?” Her eyes narrowed. “I swear I saw that Adelaide girl just now with some water pistols.” She snorted, glancing about for her. “I mean that just speaks volumes about how fucked up this country when the presence of a cigarette is policed more heavily than replica weaponry.”