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Dresden Academy

The sandpocalypse is nigh!

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cinna: eager
Who: Everyone!
When: Friday July 8th
Where: South Beach, Miami
What: Cinna throws the first beach bash of the summer!
Rating: Xenu only knows.

School had been out barely a day before Cinna sent out a mass email inviting everyone ever to come hang out. She figured after Independence Day people would probably be sick of their families already, so proposed the weekend after that: a beach party on Friday and if anyone wanted to stay for the rest of the weekend they were more than welcome.

Friday couldn't come quickly enough. Part of the beach had been blocked off for them very early in the day, and Cinna's parents had very thoughtfully hired some entertainment-- a series of beach vans, one with ice creams and slushies, another with food, a third with a bar and an attendant paid to look the other way, and a little DJ booth on wheels.

The sky was endlessly blue, not a cloud in sight to spoil the day ahead, and the beach was clear and ready for the shenanigans to begin.
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