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Dresden Academy

Quodpot and Quidditch Tryouts (open to all students)

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Tryouts run from May 23rd to the 27th, from 3:30pm until dinner time. Some coaches may have students return after dinner for callbacks.

Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.

Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.

Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.

[OOC Bits: jump in on a day your student would try out, or if you'd like your characters to offer running commentary from the stands. Anyone can play the coaches, or ask someone else to play them against your characters]
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