Tryouts run from May 23rd to the 27th, from 3:30pm until dinner time. Some coaches may have students return after dinner for callbacks.
Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.
Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.
Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.
[OOC Bits: jump in on a day your student would try out, or if you'd like your characters to offer running commentary from the stands. Anyone can play the coaches, or ask someone else to play them against your characters]
Students interested in trying out for Quodpot and Quidditch are invited to the pitches on the day designated for their house. Tryouts usually consist of several tests run by the coach and his or her current assistant; each tryout varies depending on the coach.
Current team members must tryout again to regain their spots on the team. Seniors and university students are ineligible to tryout. Students are invited to sit in the stands and watch tryouts, but coaches may bar rowdy students if they get out of hand.
Results of the tryouts will be posted in that house's main lounge or be sent out via w-mail at the discretion of the team coach.
[OOC Bits: jump in on a day your student would try out, or if you'd like your characters to offer running commentary from the stands. Anyone can play the coaches, or ask someone else to play them against your characters]
Monday May 23rd: Champlain House
The first test consisted of a flying course through floating hoops set to make a ringing sound once someone flew through the middle.
The second was a simple passing exercise he'd run between the students to see how they worked as a team.
The third test was for each student to play their preferred position in a short pick up game. The fourth test was to play in a position that Walsh felt they were better suited for.
The final test was to stand with a quod in their hand until it exploded. Walsh had charmed these particular quods to have gentler explosions; the test was to see how squeamish the students were and how they'd handle themselves in a pressure situation.
It would take him most of the afternoon to sort out those who were strong enough and those who needed another year to get it together.
Tuesday May 24th: Clemons House
He had students fly past and he chucked a loaded quod at them. If the student lost their seat on their broom they were told to come back next year. If they managed to catch the quod, but it exploded they were asked to go see the doctor and come back later. If they caught the quod and tossed it away before it exploded they were considered very likely to be on the team.
He'd only ever accepted someone immediately and that was the single student who had caught the quod and managed to make a goal with it just before it exploded.
He didn't have such high hopes for this year's batch.
This year though she was here to help him torment the prospective players; standing by his side to arm quods for the barrage.
This year he was prepared, even as Holden cast him a glare that suggested he'd have to put on a Herculian effort to stay on the team. He didn't show up to practices enough and had been benched in favor of their first alternate for the last three games of the season.
He was just finishing his first warm-up flying pass when he spotted Arnaud on the field. He thought it odd that his roommate would consider trying out, but hadn't informed him of such. He landed gracefully a foot short of where Arnaud stood and folded his arms as if to say "what are you doing here?"
He hefted up his broom and watched as Holden chucked a quod at a third year. "Does he do that to everyone?"
Wednesday May 25th: Hudson House
Her first requirement was that each student research their preferred position and write a brief essay (3 feet didn't seem very long) on it and why they thought they would excel at it.
Her second requirement was that they arrive on time to the field. Anyone who was late was immediately told that they would not be a good fit for the team and "thank you very much; try to be on time next year."
The game of quodpot being the final concern, Lucy ran several drills until dinner.
She was, as she'd managed to be every year, fifteen minutes early and already warming up.
Running through the drills was her favorite part because it let her free, flying about on her broom.
Thursday May 26: Hulett House
Being so passionate about the sport, he was very thorough in his tryouts. Students were shuffled off to dinner and asked to come back for more drills and exercises. He wanted to be sure his team had both talent and stamina, a rare combination that Hulett students seemed to have in spades.
After talking with the kids he flew up to have a few words with coach and help him run drills.
Thursday May 26th: Quidditch Tryouts
His tryouts were a couple of laid back pick up games in which students rotated positions on the A or B team until they found a good fit. Most of his final decisions rested with which team to place students on so that both teams would have a good configuration of team work and talent.
His only decision was which team to place her on this year. She'd done very well on the B team, clinching several away games and always winning on home turf. He'd give it some thought once he saw how everyone else worked together.
Friday May 27th: Putnam House