DC Next Generation

October 6th, 2013

The Streets of Gotham @ 04:15 pm


The Suicide Squad members were deposited in Gotham not far from where intelligence said the Joker was making his headquarters.

September 24th, 2013

Mission Briefing @ 07:27 pm


Amber called the Suicide Squad in for a briefing for their next assignment.

April 18th, 2013

Mission - Sudan @ 07:44 pm


Amber sent an alert to gather at HQ to the newest incarnation of the Suicide Squad. She stood in the conference room with arms crossed over her chest.

August 3rd, 2011

The Break-Out, Part 2 @ 07:46 pm


Angela Holt took a deep breath and made certain that she was speaking English when she opened her mouth to speak into the phone again.

Read more... )



April 13th, 2011

Reporting In @ 01:17 am


Report.  the single word on the screen says.

Angela Holt sat at her computer in her apartment in Star City, making certain for the fourth time that her connection is secure. She knows it is, but damn if she isn't paranoid about such things. The last thing she needs is sensitive information getting out.

"Damien Wilson is once again the Demon's Head. Ra's al Ghul is dead, for good this time. The operation was a success." she says, her words appearing on the screen.

The new Suicide Squad have proven themselves capable operatives. It's time to secure their loyalty before moving into the next phase.

"What's the next phase?" she asks.

All in good time. Worry now about Belle Reve's liberation. In seven days, there will be an issue at the prison. The Suicide Squad will intervene.

Angie didn't like the sound of that at all. She wanted to how he knew, but then she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.

"All right. Anything else?"

You'll need to secure the services of a medical doctor for your team. This one will do and he won't be hard to find. In fact, I think you're familiar with his location already.

The name doesn't ring any bells, but his last known location does. She sighs. Another trip across the country.

At least she'll get to see Mickey again.


April 2nd, 2011

Showdown in Brazil @ 04:15 pm


The helicopter carrying the members of the Suicide Squad, Damien Wilson, Morgaine King, and Slade Wilson made closed in on its target. The League of Assassins Compound in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The helicopter bore the appearance of one the helicopters that the League used frequently, so they would be able to get in without much hassle.

The pilot informed Damien that they would be touching down in ten minutes, and the assembled group looked to him for briefing.

March 30th, 2011

Regrouping @ 11:19 pm


As soon as arrangements had been made, Robert and Morgaine hopped on the first plane out of Greece to Star City. Morgaine had slept most of the way, wanting to save her strength.

When they arrived in Star City, they got a car under a fake name and Morgaine drove them to Lian's apartment building.

"I should warn you," she said when they arrived, "She will most likely not be happy to see me. I will try and talk to her, but she might resort to attack."

The pair quietly made their way to Lian's apartment, and Morgaine quickly picked the lock on the door.

She couldn't believe who she saw when her and Robert entered the room.

"I thought...I thought..."

In something she rarely did, Morgaine ran to her brother, embracing him.

February 15th, 2011

Escapees in the Triangle @ 01:11 pm


The file she'd gotten from Angie had been committed to memory and destroyed as instructed when Zoe returned home. Once she located the three escapees from Super-Max, she kept an eye on their comings and goings, and their contacts. With the police a rare sight in the Triangle, they were soon comfortable enough to branch out and resume their previous activities.

Zoe fully recognized she couldn't go in alone with guns blazing, although it was tempting. Her efforts up to now had all been aimed at the small fish. Big fish needed more experience than she had if she wanted to make it a permanent solution. Calling in the police wasn't an option. She didn't trust the police to do more than speed through without unlocking their doors, even if Mom was pleased with the contact her new business ally had referred to her. They came in herds or they didn't come at all.

She did think about Red Robin and asking him for help, but he was so straight. He'd want to do things by the book, but the book didn't work. These guys already had their shot at rehabilitation. She'd much rather a divine retribution story made the rounds with explosions, blood and bad guy bodies.

She took pictures, kept notes, and finally delivered her own file to Angie's office.

December 31st, 2010

New Year's @ 07:46 pm


The beginning of a New Year, a time for new hopes, new experiences to come. A time to reflect on times past, remembering fond memories happily and trying to put less pleasant thoughts and experiences in the past.

It is a time of renewal, a time of rebirth. And for much of the world, it is a time of celebration. This is no less true for the super hero set as anyone else. If anything, they just have that much bigger of things to look forward to.

New Year's Resolutions (Suicide Squad) @ 11:17 am


There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written:

New Year's Resolutions

Anonymous entries accepted.

December 15th, 2010

Stress relief (open to Suicide Squad) @ 12:25 am


Rose had to admit, the gym/training room that the Suicide Squad had been provided with was pretty high-tech. Not that she'd expected any better, considering who was funding them. And Rose wanted to hit something, the gym was always a good place to go for that.

And running into her father always made her want to hit something. He just always brought out something in Rose that made her frustrated as all hell.

So right now, she was in the gym, currently kicking the crap out of a punching bag.

December 12th, 2010

Face Time (With Zoe) @ 12:03 am


Angela read over the reports from each member of the Squad once they'd been filed, going over each account in detail. Three of the people on the team had a head for this type of work, but it was Zoe Torres' performance and account that interested her most. Angela had gone to the trouble of recruiting three seasoned killers to give the team some punch, but Zoe was hired mostly on her pedigree, rather than her talent, which was considerable.

Zoe, however, seemed as willing and eager to participate as the others. The paycheck might have something to do with it, but Angela also sensed something else about the girl that she needed to understand before it became an issue.

So she called Zoe to a recently purchased office building in the Triangle to discuss a few things. Checkmate wanted eyes in Star City and the knight in charge would arrive in a few days. For now, the Black King wanted Angela on the ground.

She waited for Zoe to arrive as a pot of coffee boiled near her desk.


October 23rd, 2010

Game On @ 08:07 am


Two days after her recruitment mission, Angela Holt sits inside a warehouse bunker in Star City. She pores over the maps of the Super-Max prison intently as she waits for the others to arrive. The warehouse was decent for tonight's purposes, but they needed a much better, much more secure facility. Belle Reve was an option, but that was too close to St. Roch and Angela didn't want to take the chance of going there and reopening old wounds.

When everyone arrives, Angela looks up and nods to each of them in turn.

"Thank you for coming. If you're ready to get down to work, we can get started." she says.

October 16th, 2010

(no subject) @ 12:37 am


Two days after a shooting in the Triangle, Angela Holt drives her Mercedes Benz to the small office in the gang-infested part of Star City. This place looks like a bigger dump than it did the last four times she's come here, but in order to get what she needed, she had to deal with Michelle Torres. Angela likes this idea as much as she likes the idea of a root canal, but if they're going to do this job, they're going to need someone who knows the lay of the land.

The other three operatives for this little shindig would get pulled together as quickly as she could manage, but starting with Floyd Lawton's kid was the easiest way to go. Only one of the remaining three would be a tough sell, if any. There wasn't a reason to think Merlyn would say no.

Getting out of the car, Angie straightens out her black pantsuit and runs a hand through her hair. She looked too much like her mother some days, minus the weight. Tucking her gun into the holster at the small of her back, Angie puts on her black coat and starts to close the car door, then stops.

"Wait, let's not be stupid." she says to herself, reaching into the glove compartment and with drawing the small sphere with an engraved "T" on the face. She sets the T-Sphere's parameters and lets it go. The little thing vanishes and Angie suddenly feels about thirty times safer than she did with just the gun. She closes the car door and then heads into the apartment building.

Approaching the door to the apartment, Angie knocks, readying the little document that substantiates her cover story.


October 15th, 2010

The Star City Screw-Job @ 11:47 pm


"Slade Wilson, you're under arrest for the attempted murder of Roy Harper and the murder of another man. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney..."Read more... )

DC Next Generation