DC Next Generation

August 9th, 2011

Killer Moves @ 11:35 pm


Cain was very amused by the assassin that had delivered that thug who thought himself a crime prince to him. The fool had learned the error of his way he had seen to that personally and he was made to open up his eyes to the lessons of Cain. Sadly not that he had really cared in the slightest the fool had not survived the experience but Cain had thoroughly enjoyed their time together and he had even repented in the end and was with Cain now.

The assassin on the other hand was something else entirely. This one showed great potential he just needed his eyes opened fully to the ways of Cain and unlike with the fool Cain was willing to play a subtler game he. There was so much he could gain here.

The talent one of the last Asaro assassins was a gift of murder Cain wanted badly to control. But as others had learned in the past centuries they can be controlled by an iron fist but a gentle touch. Still he seemed interested in what they did so this was a start.

But Gabriel had his apprehensions about this one and he had always trusted his instincts in the past so he was going to test him and Sister Acheron, Clare, was going to help there. He always did enjoy working with her on various things.

July 9th, 2011

Guess Who's Here(Open to Outsiders) @ 08:17 pm


Max and Renee had spent some time working on his new persona. Had to make thing different enough in both how he moved and how he fought that people wouldn't be able to easily tell who it really was. He had even down some work to give himself a convincing Italian accent.

Now for the tough part he needed to attract Inter-gang's attention but it wasn't like he could just knock on their door and ask to join. Though there was something he could do.

There was a small time crime lord in Star City who had rather pissed of Inter-Gang. A real asshole by all accounts. While he kind of felt bad about doing it he could hand devilver him to the local Inter-gang people and see if that would work of an audition. Though what they would do to the guy was something he wouldn't wish on anyone if he was right about his guess and he prayed to god he was wrong.

Max made his way towards the guys strong hold in his new look he was wearing contacts to make his eyes brown and his hair was lighten to a light brown from his normal dark brown. His stride had an arrogance to it that he never usually had. He was dressed up in a sharp Italian look and had some weapons on him that he usually didn't and it felt very weird not to have his crossbow.

Max waited for the timing to be right before he would break hi way in kicking down the front door.

June 30th, 2011

Down with the Religion of Crime @ 01:45 pm


Max was in Gotham for a few days to talk to Renee Montoya. She had been a friend of the family for as long as he could remember and she had always been really nice to him. He hadn’t seen too much of her though since she had become the police commissioner for the Gotham PD. Once he was in Gotham he gave her a call and asked her if she had time to meet him for dinner somewhere as he had something very important that he wanted to talk to her about.

When they met for dinner Max told her all about what he had found out by himself and what him and his dad had talked about. Intergang was planning something big again and the religion of crime was definitely involved he didn’t know much yet but these guys were to fanatical to get the information slowly since usually when they planned something big those plans usually ended in a very large bang.

Max knew Renee had some bad history with Intergang and the Religion of Crime and that she was probably the biggest expert in them on the planet for the good guys. So he hoped that this would mean she might have some insight into how they could get the information they needed. They started brainstorming ideas as to how to best get the information on how Intergang was currently operating especially since Bruno was no longer in charge.

They came to the realization that they needed someone on the inside to find out the information they needed but getting someone to betray them wasn’t likely to happen given how fanatical most of these people are inside the upper echelons of Intergang.

But if they could get one of their own in on this then maybe they could get the information. Max then said well maybe he could do it he had the skill that he should be able to disguise himself as someone they would want and his actually looks were very different from his costumed appearance but he didn’t want to do that himself. Normally Renee would have looked for someone else to help out with this but Intergang was personal.

June 17th, 2011

Another Year Older @ 08:10 pm


Max had let the Outsiders know he was going to be away for a while though didn’t really tell them why. He hadn’t spent much time at home in Hub City in a while so he was going back there for his birthday and father’s day. His mom was going to be so glad to have him back for a couple days.

He also wanted to talk to his dad about what he had found out after overhearing the dark bloody meeting. It hadn’t taken him long to find the chanting and had been right about recognizing it though that really didn’t make him feel better once he know what he was now dealing with, The Religion of Crime. This was some really bad stuff he had heard some of the stories from his dad when he had dealt with them and even those stories had been pg-13.

If they had as large a presence as they seemed to have in Star City than that meant they were definitely up to something and that could not be good. He had to do something but what he didn’t know which was exactly why he wanted to talk to his dad. He was of course not talking to his mom about this at all.

DC Next Generation