DC Next Generation

November 10th, 2010

Oh, to be a kid again.... @ 01:17 am


Grandma Sunshine was in the kitchen, baking goodies for her grandchildren, who were all nicely taking their naps in the little bedroom that she'd tucked them in.

She would have to leave them to run a couple of errands in a little while, and she'd arranged for some babysitters for her super-powered kiddies, but she couldn't wait to spend the whole afternoon with her new grandkids.

Meanwhile, the YJLA would find themselves waking up...and finding something was different.

November 1st, 2010

Cookies, anyone? @ 12:34 am


Mary Lou Sunshine had always wanted grandchildren.

Unfortunately for her, her son would never leave the basement long enough to meet a nice girl and get married and lovely little babies for her to spoil.

Still, she wanted grandchildren. So she was going to get some grandchildren.

And who better to have as grandkids than those nice little boys and girls in the Justice League?

Grandma Sunshine walked right up to Young Justice League headquarters, a basket of goodies in hand. She rang the doorbell, a smile on her face.

DC Next Generation