DC Next Generation

June 22nd, 2010

Go time @ 04:49 pm


bendytimed to the night after Cheshire fled Gotham

Lian, J'anna, and Calypso were at Queen Industries on stakeout. Or rather, on the rooftop across from Queen Industries, that is. Lian pulled out her night-vision goggles, as they waited for Red Robin to meet up with them. Lian had alerted him earlier on the comms that they were going on stakeout tonight.

She'd gotten in some more information about who they were looking for. From what she could gather, they were based from out of Gotham City, or somewhere near that area. Also, from what she'd picked up, they had added someone else to their roster. Someone who's methods were more...lethal than the rest of the group's. Lian had a sinking feeling of it could possibly be, but that was a big, fat, if. After all...she was dead, right?

"He should be here soon," Lian said, her eyes still focused on the building's windows as she looked for any unusual activity. "Keep an eye out. Then, we'll take it from there."

June 2nd, 2010

In Gotham City @ 09:07 am


Cheshire, one of the world's deadliest assassins, made her way over the rooftops of Gotham City, silently and swiftly, to the Gotham branch of Queen Industries. The assassin had not been seen for quite sometime, which according to the man that had hired, had made her perfect for the job.

Cheshire had been assigned to take out William Connors, an associate and member of Oliver Queen's executive board. She'd take him out quickly, and then move on to her other targets. Her contact was paying her a lot of money to get this done.

When she arrived at her destination, Cheshire began to make her way towards the head office, disposing of any security guards that got in her way, keeping to the shadows.

But in Gotham City, someone is always watching for anything out of the ordinary....

DC Next Generation