February 22nd, 2014
Who needs other sports when you've got your own? @ 12:16 am
Nice thing about the YJ HQ was there was plenty of space, which meant she could repurposed the training room for this. Little different walls than the usual more rectangular areas they did this in, but circular rooms for this were not new. It just added a different sort of challenge. Janie casually tossed a tennis ball and caught it in her hand as she talked. "Okay, usual rules and we're doing three rounds. New ball type each time." She indicated the soccer ball, the tennis ball in her hand, and...the one they didn't use often but it certainly led to the craziest of games...the football. Janie smirked. "You up for it oh reckless arrow?"
April 3rd, 2013
Bendytimed: Easter (substantially after Starro attack and YJ formation) @ 08:39 pm
Easter was awesome. The service -- the family-and-co-religionists service, not the larger, ecumenical service the chaplain did for a wider audience for the holiday -- had included a reading of 'Being the Resurrection,' which often had the author's desired effect of whipping Team Morgenstern into a Let's Do Some Good frenzy. Delivering Easter baskets and games to the Children's hospital. Serving dinner at the local shelter and helping clean up. It was a busy day for the whole family. Clara, later, stopped by where she hoped some of her new teammates might be.
March 26th, 2013
Big sister knows all (Meme response, for Mikel) @ 01:57 pm
Lian was home in Star City for spring break. She loved New York, but Star City was home, and it was good to be there. However something was...off. Her little brother had been far too quiet since she'd come home. And Mikel was no fun when he was quiet. Less fun to torment. Also, Harpers weren't known for being quiet. Lian managed to hunt her little brother down to the living room. She plopped on the couch next to him. "Something's up," she said. "You're never this...reserved. Spill."
March 25th, 2013
I think you're awesome... just don't tell anyone. @ 12:35 pm
Time for another secret meeting of the cousins braintrust. Its just a little different this time. For one thing, Mikal is there early, instead of the typical five to ten minutes late. He needed to be early, he had some things to get ready. Her favorite soda was easy - different, because usually when he sneaks the drinks in, its either usually his dad's beer, or his favorites. This time, all hers. The cookies were harder. He burnt all three of his attempts, so he finally just broke down and bought three batches, once again, of her favorites.
On a Mission from Grodd @ 12:13 pm
They'd managed to fend off Grodd's assault, but half the team had still been infected by his deevolution spores. Not the full dose, thankfully, but enough that a lot of the team is still evidencing animal traits. They're working on a cure still, and, rumor has it, will be for a while. Mikel supposes it could be worse. For some of the team, it is. He's still dealing with smelling all of the world through a rottweiler's muzzle - which has also led to snoring and some difficulty figuring out eating without making a mess, but he's getting used to the worst of it. On the slight upside, he's amazed how comfortable the bean bag chair is to curl up in.
February 16th, 2013
Date night! (Backdated to Valentine's Day) @ 04:02 pm
Tula didn't really know much about Valentine's Day, aside from what Cerdian had told her about it being a surface holiday where couples exchanged candy and went out on dates. And while technically, her and Mikal technically weren't a couple or anything yet, but she was hopeful, as she really liked him. She'd gotten him some candy before heading over to his house, as it was easier for her to meet him. Tula wore a yellow polka-dotted dress that Cait had helped her picked out. When she teleported in front of Mikal's house, she smiled, before knocking on the door.
Open House @ 03:34 pm
The Justice League was having an open house for all their current, former and reservist heroes and their friends and families. It was a nice way to show what their member did on a regular basis and build up camaraderie and to give heroes who were members of the justice league something to strive for in the future. This was especially useful with the older generation of heroes starting to retire and the younger generation stepping up to take their place.
January 29th, 2013
Let's go to the beach, let's go catch a wave. Island meme, for Mikal. @ 10:42 am
Little getaways were nice, even if they were just for a day. And, it was a great way for Tula to practice her teleportation spells, as she'd teleported Mikal and herself to a beach on the Bahamas for the day. Tula was grinning from ear to ear as they set down their stuff. She then grabbed his hand, and started dragging them both towards the water. "Let's go swimming!"