DC Next Generation

August 9th, 2011

You don't always have to be strong (Rex) @ 11:42 pm


Hope rolled over in bed when she woke up that morning, not surprised to find that Rex was already up and out of bed. She knew that he was trying his best not to worry her, but she was perfectly aware of the fact that he hadn't been eating or sleeping very well over the weeks since Nic had died and they found out that her body had been stolen by Vandal Savage. She'd moved in like he had asked her to, mostly because she didn't want him to be alone...and risk doing something really stupid, and because she wanted to be there for him. They were supposed to be looking for a house, but those plans had gotten shoved aside, and Hope didn't press the issue.

She got out of bed, walking into the kitchen where he was. She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning," she said. "Want me to make coffee and breakfast?"

And by make breakfast she meant put poptarts in the toaster.

July 7th, 2011

The Wake @ 07:44 pm


There was something bright and brittle and not quite sane in Lenore Cynthia Montgomery Lord's eyes right now.

"How can we not have found who did this, yet?" She asks quietly as she stands outside the room with the.. with...as she stands outside That Room, not targeting any of the people around her in particular with the question. "How can he still be walking around somewhere when she's not getting up again?"

June 19th, 2011

Bump in the Night (Rex) @ 05:48 pm


Rex was never around.  It was nice, generally, in the 'I get to do whatever I want' sense of things, but Nic had to admit it was weird and sad, too.  She never saw her brother anymore and for a little while she was considering some sort of epic bad behavior to get his attention.  Underage drinking was always a good option, after all, but something came up first.  The theft at the museum opened up a great opportunity, both to get some Hawk action with her brother and also to be badass.  So, after Wendi left and Nic was able to sort out her leads, Nic sent her brother a quick text.

Shadow Thief stole the Dimensionimeter.  Heading to Westfield Park to hunt him down.  Bring the Claw.

And then she was off, taking to the sky to go track down and kick some bad guy ass.


June 17th, 2011

Think about it seriously; you know it makes sense (Rex) @ 11:12 pm


A card will arrive on Rex's birthday from Cindy. Enclosed is an additional sheet of cardstock reading "Redeemable for one business opportunity from L.C.M. Lord. Call the following number or send messages via beautiful winged women."

Happy birthday! @ 12:04 am


It was Rex's birthday. And Hope wasn't going to miss Rex's birthday.

She knew he would be out during the day, but she decided to surprise him when he got home. She showed up an hour before he would be home, bearing steak, potatoes, green beans, beer, and of course, chocolate birthday cake. She had also gotten him a couple of books in architecture, since he had told her that he was interested in opening up his own firm.

When Rex came home, he would find dinner on the table, and Hope standing there in a little red dress.

"Happy birthday, Rex," she said, going over to kiss him.

June 15th, 2011

Happy birthday, Zandor! @ 11:15 am


It was Zandor's birthday, and Mickey wasn't going to let the birthday of a friend go uncelebrated. She got him a fifty dollar gift card to whatever he wanted with it, and made sure that the cake was chocolate.

June 10th, 2011

One Step Closer to the Softball Team (open) @ 08:41 pm


The Tyler clan had come to the JSA Brownstone.  Wendi entered first, holding on very tightly to the hand of two year old Beth, followed by 17 year old Belle, 15 year old Danette, who was herself holding the hand of eleven year old Matt.

Ever since the time some of the surviving old Injustice Society members had tried to kidnap then then two year old Wendi and her just born sister Belle, it had become a rule that when another kid was being born, the other kids all went to the Brownstone.  Uncles Jay, Alan, and Ted, along with some of the Infinity Inc. generation and possibly Wally West as well, were providing some security at the Keystone City hospital where Jesse was giving birth.

"Okay guys," Wendi said, "you know the drill.  Best behavior, don't touch anything.  Belle, Danette, no flirting with Rex, Mikey, or anyone else.  Matt, I'm pretty sure Cat will throw you out the window if you try the catnip mouse thing again.  Am I understood?"


June 5th, 2011

Stranger in a not so strange land @ 07:38 pm


It was a slight increase in local stores in St. Roch that might alert the curious observer that someone new was in the area. It wasn't anything too pricey. Some camping equipment here. Some food there along with basics. That wasn't enough to really get the local authorities chomping at their bits but then some tools went missing as well as beer.

It was going to take some work for anyone to find the Thangarian. That was of course until she got herself a little drunk while trying to fix her ship. Not the smartest idea but booze and cigars helped her think.

HEY wait a second, she ran out of cigars. She was going to go through with the worst idea ever but because she was drunk it was of course also the best and most awesome idea ever. She would go steal some cigars from the local smoke shop.

And she forgot to not set off every single alarm. This was going to end badly. She still made off with a nice box of cigars. But she just knew she was going to end up getting caught. But still she had the cigars so that made everything better obviously.

Some people might disagree with her but hey she'd deal with that after she escaped to her not so evil lair.

June 1st, 2011

Happy birthday, Nic! @ 09:20 pm


Mickey was not going to forget Nic's birthday. She was her best friend, and had been for a very long time. So her birthday was on the most important days of the year to her.

She actually made the cake herself. Mickey wasn't a horrible cook, she just only did it on rare occasions. Friends birthdays were one of those. The cake was chocolate with strawberry frosting.

There was bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. Mickey had taken the liberty of making a couple of little things out of bacon, including a narwhal made entirely of bacon, chasing a tiny bacon boat.

There was a promise of a day of shopping and any hellraising that Nic wanted to do. That was mostly Mickey's idea, as she wanted a day where she could just have her best friend all to herself.

She had told the rest of the JSA that she was throwing a party the Brownstone (attendance was mandatory for them) and invited over Cindy.

May 23rd, 2011

Movies (Open to JSA) @ 08:55 pm


Remembering how well the last movie night had gone and the couple smaller one they have had since Mikey decided it was time for another big movie night for the JSA. This time he was totally having it be a bad sci-fi movie marathon. Despite being so bad those movies could be damn addictive. He grabbed a couple classics and also some of his favorites to watch.

He set up PATTON as a movie projector so that the movie could fill a wall. He set up some Beer Bots for those of age and even added some new protocols to them so that those underage couldn’t get them to work and would get directed to the Soda Fountain bots. He also had the popcorn popper bot set up and he was pretty sure it wouldn’t burn it this time and definitely sure there would be no fires.

Plus he was showing of his latest creation perfect surround sound system via bots. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought to do that before.

Mikey took a seat on the couch with his gauntlet on ready to get things started with MacArthur laying down on his lap.

April 14th, 2011

Work Out (Open to JSA) @ 10:22 pm


Angie stepped out of the shower after her workout in her apartment in Baton Rouge, steeling herself for what had to come next. She despised being shot, but she preferred it greatly to being stabbed. Sadly, one of those was going to have to happen for this plan to work. After reading the file on her target, she was pretty sure he'd know a self-inflicted wound versus an actual one, so she'd have to find someone she could trust to shoot her without killing her. Then, she would have to get to the Brownstone in enough time to not bleed to death and pray to god /he/ was there.

Read more... )


April 10th, 2011

A night in (Rex) @ 11:11 pm


Since things had died down considerably, Hope decided to take advantage of it. She arrived at Rex's place that evening, bearing cheeseburgers, beer, and chocolate cake.

April 8th, 2011

The Hour is Upon Us @ 10:31 pm


Wendi had finally had the time to stop by the JSA brownstone.  Between recent events in the super-hero community, her own art school schedule, boyfriend time (Zach.  *blush*), a few small scale heroics (her hour of strength still worked, even if her speed didn't), and just life had gotten in the way of being there any timer sooner since they'd reconnected with Mickey.

She wondered if Rex was going to kick her off the team.  After how she'd freaked out with Mickey's death and everything, she certain deserved it.  What kind of hero ran in the face of danger like that?  Oh, sure, they all said they didn't blame her, but none of them had run...

Sometimes she wondered why she was even here.  Grandpa Rex and Grandpa Johnny, Grandma Libby, Mom, Dad, all of them had been super-heroes.  It was kind of just what the family did.  All of them, her, Belle, Danette, Matt, and Beth, and probably even Jonni (another girl, Matt was depressed and the kid wasn't even born yet), were all metahumans.  Powers were in the blood.  Were heroics too?

"Hey?" she called out as she headed inside.  "Anybody home?"

April 7th, 2011

Mid-Nite (Open to JSA) @ 10:41 pm


Kyle had most or less recovered at this point. He was still getting used to everything. In regular light he pretty much blind and in the dark he could see fine though it was all different, he wasn’t sure he could describe it to someone. It would be like trying to describe red to someone who had never seen it before.

Dr. Cross and him had spent a day playing around with different lenses and glasses types to see which worked better for him so that he could see in regular light. They had gotten things pretty well set up there though would play around with it more later. It was going to take some getting used to for him since he really didn’t wear glasses before this, he had never needed to and rarely wore sunglasses.

The next day Cross took him to the still being repaired JSA Brownstone. He was going to talk to some of the elder members of the JSA and put in the good word for him. But he was pretty sure that they would take him given how skilled he was with medicine. He had also recommend to Kyle that he should maybe get to meet some of the people he might be working with and potentially helping out.

He was sitting in the lounge playing with his glasses trying to process all of this. It was all happening so fast.

April 1st, 2011

A Night At the Fights @ 10:30 pm


Dex stood and watched the two combatants in the ring as he waited his turn. With all the stuff that had gone down, he hadn't had a chance to fight in awhile. This was his way of relieving stress and not be a green lantern for awhile. This was his life before the ring found him and it was the only thing he knew how to do well.

He crossed his arms over his chest and watched. Soon he would be in there and life would be good.

March 25th, 2011

Could we start again please? (Open to JSA) @ 05:29 pm


Mickey stood in the Brownstone, just staring into the living room.

The last time she was here, she had attacked her friends and tried to rip out her boyfriend's heart. She actually did succeed in ripping out her boyfriend's heart.

Her memory of what she had done was fuzzy at best, but none of it from what she could remember, was good.

She hoped that they would take her back. The JSA was like family to her, and it broke her heart that she tried to do those terrible things to her. But after all she had done, she wouldn't blame them if they never wanted to see her again.

Mickey just hoped that they could patch things up and move forward. And so she didn't go anywhere, choosing to just stand and wait for the first person that walked into the room.

March 18th, 2011

The Big Finale @ 09:18 pm


The city of Star City looked deserted. The citizens had either fled or had been turned into black lanterns. At the heart of the city was the entity known as Nekron. Nekron used the city as his base as his black lanterns ravaged the Earth.

The black lanterns increased their numbers each day and the power levels of the black lantern battery increased with each person that died.

Soon Nekron would have enough power to obliterate all life on this planet.

March 1st, 2011

The Battle For Oa @ 09:36 pm


They appeared out of nowhere in space above Oa. The element of surprise was with them and for a brief moment there were no black lanterns to be seen.

"Alright boys and girls, it's time to do this. We win here or the universe dies."

No pressure at all.

February 21st, 2011

Making Deputies @ 11:52 am


The group of lanterns were gathered around in a circle not far from the North Pole. Larfleeze was practically bouncing that they were so close to the Fat Man's workshop and Dex swore he would punch the orange lantern just to make him stand still for longer than two seconds. They had business to attend to first and then they could talk to the Fat Man about getting Larfleeze the promised presents.

They were going to create two rings of each color to help in the fight against the Black Lanterns. They would make more, but as it was the rings were only at half power. They would have to make do with what they had until they could find a way to get to Oa and see why the rings were depowered.

Dex looked around the circle. Each color had two more rings, red had three, added to the ranks. It was time to send them out. He nodded and the newly created rings were thrown up into the air. They immediately took off and started seeking out wearers.

February 16th, 2011

Paint It Black (JSA) @ 07:12 pm


It was a quiet night in New York City. People went about their business, rushing on the streets to get home, hailing taxis to get out of the brisk winter air. At the JSA Brownstone, all was well and good.

Then something happened. The sound of shattered glass could be heard shattering, and alarm klaxons blared. The team would soon find that Black Lanterns had arrived, and were closing in on the team of heroes.

February 14th, 2011

Valentine Vignettes @ 07:11 pm


I arise from dreams of thee
In the first sweet sleep of night,
When the winds are breathing low,
And the stars are shining bright.
I arise from dreams of thee,
And a spirit in my feet
Hath led me -- who knows how?
To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint
On the dark, the silent stream--
And the Champak's odours
Like sweet thoughts in a dream;
The nightingale's complaint,
It dies upon her heart,
As I must on thine,
O belovèd as thou art!

O lift me from the grass!
I die! I faint! I fail!
Let thy love in kisses rain
On my lips and eyelids pale.
My cheek is cold and white, alas!
My heart beats loud and fast:
O press it to thine own again,
Where it will break at last!

Percy Bysshe Shelley

January 29th, 2011

Bad News (Open to JSA) @ 04:33 pm


Zandor's phone shattered against the wall in the living room at JSA headquarters.  Everything went downhill when Mickey died, and now two more people were dead.  Two people Zandor never would have thought could just...die.  It made him sad, and then it made him angry.  It made him so angry, he didn't know what to do with himself.  Zandor picked up the couch and tossed it threw the wall.  Next, he reached for the television.

January 23rd, 2011

(no subject) @ 12:04 am


It was after the funeral. Mark felt a little colder inside. He shouldn't have gone back to get a second look at the grave sight after everyone left. But Nabu had been louder than normal. That was starting to grate on his nerves a great deal.

He wondered if he was going mad at the grave yard but he had taken a long look with both his eyes and with magic and felt himself howling with rage he couldn't quite express. He had felt just where Darius' soul had gone. It was very strange just knowing what had happened

He couldn't leave Darius at the hands of the demons who took his soul on his death. He refused to let this go unanswered. He didn't want to fail the man who could have been his real brother if things had been different. What Mark did know is he couldn't do this alone so he picked up his cell phone and made a call.

Come on, pal. Pick up. Mark has no idea if he can do this on his own.

January 19th, 2011

Mending Fences (Nicolette) @ 08:29 pm


Rex has had quite a bit of time to think recently, with Mickey's passing, Cerdian's and Jai West's as well. His mom and step-father had been in bad shape at one point, too. His love for Hope is a bright point in his life, as is the amount of caring he has for his teammates, but one relationship above all was still in tatters and it was time for Rex to step up and fix it, before he lost it forever.

He dialed Nic's phone and hoped she was somewhere nearby.

"Hey, Pnnt. Um...it's me. I need you to come home right away. It's important." Rex says to her voice-mail.

Then he gets started on cooking the bacon. Lots of bacon.

January 8th, 2011

The hardest part (Open to JSA) @ 03:55 pm


It was one of the hardest things that anyone would have to do, but Todd Rice and his partner Damon Matthews were at the JSA Brownstone, with a couple of boxes in hand to get Mickey's belongings out of her room and bring them back to Kyle and Jennie. It wasn't fair to ask them to do it, as they were still adjusting to the fact that their child had been murdered by a psychopath who had an axe to grind with Kyle. It wasn't fair to Mickey, to have her life be taken from her at such a young age, and to have it taken so cruelly. And it certainly wasn't fair to her parents, to lose their child so suddenly.

Todd held Damon's hand as they made their way through the Brownstone to Mickey's room. Todd opened the door to his niece's room, a knot forming in his chest as they walked in. There were posters on the wall of bands and movies that Mickey liked, some clothes scattered on the floor here and there, a couple of stuffed animals on the bed, and framed pictures of her and her friends lined the dresser, nightstand, and book-selves.

"You going to be okay, honey?" Damon asked Todd, squeezing his hand, as Todd looked around the room, the knot in his chest getting tighter.

"Yeah..." Todd said, choking on his words a little. "I'll be fine."

The two men put their boxes on the bed, and started to go about clearing things out, Damon making his way to the closet, and Todd stared to clear out the dresser drawers. They had left the door open.

December 31st, 2010

New Year's @ 07:46 pm


The beginning of a New Year, a time for new hopes, new experiences to come. A time to reflect on times past, remembering fond memories happily and trying to put less pleasant thoughts and experiences in the past.

It is a time of renewal, a time of rebirth. And for much of the world, it is a time of celebration. This is no less true for the super hero set as anyone else. If anything, they just have that much bigger of things to look forward to.

New Year's Resolutions (Justice Society) @ 11:15 am


There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written:

New Year's Resolutions

Anonymous entries accepted.

December 27th, 2010

Sad news @ 12:40 am


Throughout the U.S., every network, and many cable stations break into their regular coverage. The image of the Daily Planet comes on screen, followed by an image of a blonde woman with a tear streaked face. In the background, there's the ruins of a LexCorp facility.

"This is Carol Phelps for the Daily Planet." she begins, composing herself as she goes into field reporter mode. Even at her age, this is usually a Lois Lane job, but she's on assignment elsewhere - and this is very specific news. "And today, I'm sure the world will join us here at the Planet in mourning. Metropolis' first son, our visitor and protector from the stars - Superman, is dead. The tragedy occurred following a battle with noted business tycoon and former politician Lex Luthor, who appeared to have gone back to his criminal roots. The pair, along with a large number of robots and automated weaponry battled for hours in the skies above Metropolis. What brought about the conflict isn't certain.
What we do know is that Superman defeated Luthor and the apparent weapons, containing the damage to a small section of Metropolis around the LexCorp facility behind me, at significant cost to himself. At that point, and unknown third party arrived on the scene. We have not yet identified this person, who appears on cameras only as a shadowy outline. The stranger had words for Luthor and Superman both - we are attempting to find out what was said even now. Whoever the unknown party was, however, he then..."
she pauses, struggling to find her voice. "He slew first Lex Luthor, and then Superman, using some sort of lightning based weapon. We are not replaying the footage here, as the graphic nature of the images may be too shocking for some viewers, but it will be made available once authorities have had a chance to review them.

For now, a great deal remains unknown. What we do know is that the city... the planet, is without its first son. Superman is dead."

December 26th, 2010

Not-So-Perfect Night @ 10:00 pm


Mickey was being very cuddly and attentive when her and Steven got out of the movies. The new Tron had been pretty damn awesome...though there were parts where they weren't paying attention.

"So," she said to Steven as they walked out of the movie theater and into the snow-covered streets. "What's next? Dinner...or do we want to go back to the brownstone and work up an appetite?" She grinned at him.

December 23rd, 2010

Time to Get Your Santa On @ 10:12 pm


It was Christmas Eve and time to exchange gifts for the annual JSA Secret Santa. The headquarters was all decked out for the holidays and Christmas music was playing in the background.

December 17th, 2010

Guy Stuff(Rate the Babe) @ 08:22 pm


Mike had talked to Sindella about what the girls had been up to so secretly and may have used telepathy to read her surface thoughts and found out about Rate the Hunk. Sindella had not been very happy about that and made him swear not to ask anything more about that and that he was going to have to do something big to make it up to her.

But he had been given the idea to host a rate the babe event for the guys because that sounded like a ton of fun to him. Since he was done with classes for the semester he drove to metropolis to set things up for the party at his dad’s penthouse there.

He sent out invites to all the teams he knew about that they could come and also made a special note to the teleports to not try directly teleporting inside with the wards his dad had set up

.He then set up the projector for the photos and got enough food and drinks to feed everyone one then some.

December 8th, 2010

Santa Time @ 10:43 pm


Mikey got things set up for this year’s JSA Secret Santa. He put up a note so that he could get people together to explain this year’s rules to everyone together and get people set up with who they have this year.

Mikey set up a couple snack in the living room, set up his soda fountain bot, and had PATTON playing some holiday music in the background.

November 28th, 2010

Schemes and Things @ 07:27 pm


Having been either bested in battle or otherwise coerced by the members of Injustice Unlimited into cooperating and then teleported away, the Justice Society members would find themselves behind a mystical barrier in an otherwise largely featureless dungeon.  Those who had been caught out of costume had been magically dressed with their uniform and all their equipment.

Also imprisoned, separate from the Society members, were the various hostages the villains had taken.  The Dugan family.  Abby Bronson.  Joan Garrick.  Molly Scott.  Sinon Tavoularis.  Belle and Danette Tyler.  Cynthia Lord.

The Wizard entered the room, looking rather pleased with himself.

"So," he said, with the air of one quite used to theatrics, "I suppose you're wondering why I've called you all here."

November 24th, 2010

Giving Thanks @ 05:10 pm


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." JFK

In America today is a day for being thankful for the things in people's lives. Today was a day to celebrate family, friends, prosperity and health with food, family and friends. It is a time to reflect on what is important us and to recognize the gratitude we hold for having those things in our lives.

November 6th, 2010

A Meeting of the Minds (Before Injustice For All starts) @ 09:48 pm


Rex Stewart arrives at Max Lord's office, asking to speak to the man in charge. The receptionist at the desk asks if he has an appointment and he tells her that he does not. The receptionist then launches into her auto-spiel about Mr. Lord not taking walk-in visitors as his time is very valuable, blah blah blah. Rex does the courtesy of letting her finish before offering up the magic words.

"It's about his daughter, Cindy." Rex says.

That ought to get Lord's attention.

With Menace and Injustice For All @ 11:03 pm


Oswalrd Zar, son of the Wizard, had been quite busy these past few months, assembling the some of the most powerful and capable super-villains he could locate, all within his own centralized theme of tracking down those descended from various foes and friends of the Justice Society.  He was quite disturbed to learn that the Luthor brat had appropriated a name he had no right to.

He would be dealt with later.

But for now, cloaked in another name his father had used in his war against the forces of good, the Wizard had prepared his team well for dealing with the Justice Society.  Ferreting out secret identities and homes, making them all easy pray.  This was not about killing them, no, not yet, it was about bringing the world down around them, just as they had brought his own world down around him, by hounding his father so.

Today, the attacks began.

October 30th, 2010

Going a few rounds (Open to the JSA) @ 10:35 pm


The bad guys long defeated, a few minor street level crooks put away in the meantime, her day job done for the day (One of these days, she reckoned she'd be able to thank Ms. Dinah enough for putting her in charge of a franchise spot of Sherwood Florist), Cat was in the mood to relax.

Now, there were three types of relaxing, as far as she was concerned.  One needed a bottle, one needed a boy, and one needed a bag.

She opted for the bag today, taped up her hands, and went to work on the punching bag in the Brownstone's gym.

October 28th, 2010

Hawk Time (open to Rex) @ 09:26 am


Nic went back home to St. Rochs after the mess with the gods.  In part because she needed to pick up some clothes but in part because things had been so crazy for so long that she just needed air.  Cindy had put her adorable little foot down about Nic flying to visit her at school and while the Hawkling didn't like it Cindy was right in that she'd be too tired to do anything once she'd gotten there.  So she went home instead and almost immediately she realized something: she hadn't actually talked to or touched base with Rex since /before/ Tharok's bullshit.  And that had been him grounding her.

Nic bought some pizza, sweet-talked the guy at the liquor store to sell her beer and then sat and waited for Rex at home with two of his favorite things sat out waiting for him whilst she, the infuriating thing, also waited.  And waited.  And waited.  And fell asleep, face down on the table, wings drooped.

October 15th, 2010

Atlas @ 07:02 pm


Atlas walked across the tarmac toward the planes with the LexAir logo on them. He reached the planes and put a fist through the hull of the first one. He put his fist through it again and did it a few times more until the plane was full of fist sized holes. The people inside screamed with the first punch and started scrambling to get off the plane.

October 2nd, 2010

Admission of Guilt (Open to Avia, Barda and Scott) @ 10:21 pm


An hour after Hope's abduction, Rex asks Avia to call her parents and tell them he needs to speak to them immediately at the Brownstone. 

Rather than hunt them down, he'll let the people with Boom Tubes come to him for ease of travel...and because most people would rather die someplace familiar than elsewhere. 


October 1st, 2010

Outdoor Movie Night(Open to JSA) @ 03:23 pm


Since it seemed like it was going to be a quiet night Mikey decided that the JSA could use a little fun. With this is mind he began setting up the backyard of the Brownstone for a movie night. This included a movie projector bot, a popcorn popper bot and a modification of his beer tap bot for sodas for the members that weren’t of legal age yet. He had of course upgraded PATTON with a beer tap instead.

 He had talked to Zandor about introducing him to Buffy the vampire slayer but was open to other ideas if people wanted to watch something else.


September 28th, 2010

Date night @ 11:06 pm


Hope checked herself over in the mirror another time while she waited for Rex to come and get her.

When he said he wanted to take her out for her birthday, she assumed that they'd go out to a bar. Or spar, then go out to the bar. Then he said he wanted to take her somewhere nice.

Hope tore through her closet, looking for something "date worthy". She wasn't sure how nice where they were going was, but she'd managed to find a nice blue dress that she'd worn to a couple of nice parties.

Hope finished smoothing her hair for the last time when the doorbell rang.

A smile on her face, Hope went to open it.

Team Meeting @ 02:33 am


The Titans of myth being freed from Hades goes beyond just the YJLA. The adults are also working on it, but haven't had a lot of luck, especially with so many of their number in semi-retirement. As such, Jon moved beyond his original plan to hold a meeting of his team, and called to invite representatives of the other teams as well, calling all active roster YJLA, and inviting the other teams to send 1-3 people so things didn't get too crowded. Then they can inform their people what's going on.

"So, folks, we have a big problem. The monsters and beings that have been appearing around the world were freed from the dimension Hades. We don't know how or by who. The Olympian gods have not been forthcoming, even to the Amazons, and even very powerful mystics have been unable to pierce the mystery... though past experience has taught us that's often the case with affairs of the gods. They limit their direct interference in mortal affairs, in exchange, mortals have a very hard time dealing directly with them. Sadly, even though the original Grecian Titans don't have any such compact, to learn what happened, we'd need to get past Hades' protections. The Greek gods may be incapacitated, or may be somehow bound by the compact of the gods. Its very possible that once the original Titans reached Earth, their captors couldn't directly interfere."

He sighs. "Direct confrontation isn't the likely answer. Single gods have fought groups including my father, Wonder Woman and a handful of other senior leaguers. Many of the Titans have the power of an entire team. The Titans are more powerful still - the only reason the Greek Gods defeated them was due to greater unity and better tactics. Don't mistake me - they can be beaten, but we're going to need a good plan, and possibly more allies and greater resources. At this point, I'm open to ideas."

September 25th, 2010

Atlas @ 07:22 pm


Atlas, titan of myth and who once held the sky on his shoulders, stood outside the LexCorp manufacturing plant on the outskirts of New Orleans, LA. The Titans would not be beholden to any mortal. They were free and nothing would stop them. Zeus and his crew would be defeated and the Titans would once again rule as they were meant to.

Atlas moved toward the plant. Moments later there were fires and explosions rocked the plant.

September 11th, 2010

Corn Maze and a Minotaur @ 07:57 pm


Each year the The Denver Botanic Gardens created a corn maze. Each year the design changed and each year it is one of most attended corn mazes in the country.

It was natural that the minotaur from Grey Myth would show up in a maze and he made the Denver corn maze his home. Attendance quickly dropped off as people entered the maze and never came out. Authorities and the media appeared on the scene to see what was behind these disappearances.

September 5th, 2010

Labor Day - JSA @ 07:10 pm


The weather was absolutely perfect for holding a cookout.

Tables had been placed on the roof of headquarters and the large grill fired up to get nice and hot. Burgers, hot dogs, sausage, ribs, corn on the cob, pasta salad, salad and fruit salad were just some of the food available to eat. Soda, water, fruit juice and other beverages were on ice.

The JSA worked as a team to prepare the food. When they were ready, they carried it all outside and started their celebration.

It was a day of rest and relaxations for those who put their lives on the line for others.

July 23rd, 2010

July 14th, 2010

Calling in Back-Up (Open to JSA) @ 10:00 pm


Rex asked Aleea to take him to the Brownstone, rather than his place, or even  a hospital. He'd find a way to deal with the pain, but the important thing right now was finding Nicolette. He was still pissed at himself for letting Tharok take her and for losing in the first place. Now, he had to find her before Tharok decided to go after Mom and Carter.

Of course, if he called to warn them, he'd have to explain that Nic had been taken. Mom and Carter would be back in America so fast his head would spin, even if they had to fly across the ocean themselves.

Rather than start that chain of events, Rex limps into the Brownstone and starts looking for anyone who is around.

July 5th, 2010

Thanagarian Invasion! Part 1: Hawk Vengeance. @ 07:17 pm


There was a saying that revenge was a dish best served cold.  As he flew the night skies over St. Roch, Tharok began to understand exactly what that saying meant.  He had come to earth for one purpose and one purpose alone: to seek revenge upon she who had sullied his father's name and reputation--Shayera Hol.  Years ago she had been Thanagarian and loyal, an advance sent by the Thanagarian forces to assist in the invasion of the pathetic little planet Earth.  But she had betrayed Thanagar and betrayed the man she was bound to and the invasion force was sent back in shame.  None had borne the shame more than Hro Talak, Tharok's father.  The once-proud man spend the rest of his life disgraced, shamed, and shattered and Tharok refused to permit his father to die entirely a failure.  It had taken him years to work his way up in the Thanagarian forces and then years beyond that to convince the government to attempt a second Earth invasion but he had finally done it.  Tharok himself went first to gather information--and kill Shayera.

But upon arriving Tharok found something more interesting than just killing Shayera: her children.  A plot formed in his mind, one that would cause great suffering to Shayera, something that would haunt her the rest of her days.  MUCH more effective than killing her.  Rex Stewart and Nicolette Hall would pay for their mother's crimes.

Swooping down in the darkness, Tharok had gathered enough information.  Tonight was the night to act and with something of a gleeful smirk on his face, the true Thanagarian began to break into the Hawk's beloved museum.

June 29th, 2010

The Darkheart @ 11:42 pm


(Timebendyed so anyone can be involved)

Jerry had heard that there was suppose to be an amazing meteor shower tonight and the best place to see it was in the Arches National Park in Utah. He had let dad knew he was going to spend the night there which his dad was totally fine with.

After teleporting in with some basic supplies he started looking for a good place to watch it from. Teleporting around the park he saw a mesa that looked like he could get a great view from. He snapped his fingers and appeared in a flash of green at the top of the mesa.

What he saw up there was something that he Jerry Carr had trouble believing. There was a organic looking machine with little robotic drones eating the rocks. And one charged right at him.

Quickly snapping both hands he teleported away and teleported a boulder right on top of the drone crushing it. Jerry let out a sigh of relief until he noticed that the drones were now eating the boulder and forming even more drones.

This was bad and Jerry knew he could not handle this by himself and felt that it would be smart to call in as much help as he could.

Teleporting back to his stuff away from the mesa he grabbed his cell phone and started calling all of the people he knew who were superheroes to get as much help as he could.


DC Next Generation