August 17th, 2011
Tempered in Fire and Back Better than Ever @ 10:24 pm
Kieran and Lynn had really been enjoying the summer. It was almost like nothing had ever happened to them. Kieran did some Star Sapphire stuff though he spent as much time as he could with Lynn at home. There were some days that they did make it out of their apartment and barely made it out of the bed. A couple of weeks ago Lynn started waking up nauseous and sometimes even throwing up in the mornings. At first they just wrote it off as a stomach bug or something. But when this continued they began to think there might be something else going on. That when Lynn decided to try something else out and took a home pregnancy test. It was positive and they both couldn’t have been happier. At this point they were still getting used to the idea of being parents and had already set up a doctor’s appointment to officially confirm it. They had also called up the school to figure things out with them since Lynn would be starting up again with them in the fall.
June 19th, 2011
Father's Day @ 12:58 pm
"A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be." -- Unknown
May 8th, 2011
Mother's Day @ 09:47 am
A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. ~Irish Proverb
March 18th, 2011
The Big Finale @ 09:18 pm
The city of Star City looked deserted. The citizens had either fled or had been turned into black lanterns. At the heart of the city was the entity known as Nekron. Nekron used the city as his base as his black lanterns ravaged the Earth. The black lanterns increased their numbers each day and the power levels of the black lantern battery increased with each person that died. Soon Nekron would have enough power to obliterate all life on this planet.
March 1st, 2011
The Battle For Oa @ 09:36 pm
They appeared out of nowhere in space above Oa. The element of surprise was with them and for a brief moment there were no black lanterns to be seen. "Alright boys and girls, it's time to do this. We win here or the universe dies."No pressure at all.
February 21st, 2011
Making Deputies @ 11:52 am
The group of lanterns were gathered around in a circle not far from the North Pole. Larfleeze was practically bouncing that they were so close to the Fat Man's workshop and Dex swore he would punch the orange lantern just to make him stand still for longer than two seconds. They had business to attend to first and then they could talk to the Fat Man about getting Larfleeze the promised presents. They were going to create two rings of each color to help in the fight against the Black Lanterns. They would make more, but as it was the rings were only at half power. They would have to make do with what they had until they could find a way to get to Oa and see why the rings were depowered. Dex looked around the circle. Each color had two more rings, red had three, added to the ranks. It was time to send them out. He nodded and the newly created rings were thrown up into the air. They immediately took off and started seeking out wearers.
February 11th, 2011
The Quest for Orange @ 11:16 am
After they were done checking on Rose's grandmother and brother and dealing with the Black Lanters, Rose and Dex regrouped with the other lanterns. Then it was time to go after that bastard Larfleeze. Dex had wanted another shot at him since Christmas when the bastard was at the North Pole. The trip to Okaara where Larfleeze was rumored to be holed up was quiet. The uneasy truce between the colors didn't encourage talking. The less words said the better. It only took a few to start a fight and right now it was the last thing they needed. "Anyone got any ideas?" Dex asked as they approached Okaara.
January 29th, 2011
These Aren't the Lanterns You're Looking For @ 07:11 pm
Being out on patrol wasn't one of Dex's favorite things about being a green lantern, but it came with the ring. Sometimes there wasn't much to do except throw some asteroids around, which today was one of those days. Thankfully today Rose was by his side and gave him some company. “Something's wrong,” he said. “My ring doesn't seem as charged as it should be.”
December 31st, 2010
New Year's Resolutions (Independents) @ 11:15 am
There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written: New Year's Resolutions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. + Anonymous entries accepted.
December 22nd, 2010
'Twas The Night Before Christmas @ 06:24 pm
(Takes place on Christmas Eve)Larfleeze had been a very good boy this year. And, as he had been told from his time spent on Earth, good boys and girls got presents from Santa Claus at Christmas time. He had waited very patiently all year, working on his Christmas list. And it was a very long list indeed. But, he had been good this year, so he deserved each and every present. And so, Larfleeze made the journey from the Vega System to Earth, to the North Pole to Santa Claus's village. He flew straight into his office, slamming his list on the desk. "I have been very good this year," he said to Santa. "I DEMAND that you give me all of my presents! You have to!"
December 9th, 2010
Holidays and revelations (open). @ 11:44 am
Kayla Luthor hated Christmas. She hated the music, the crowds, the decorations, everything. She even hated the television programming. The only thing she didn't hate was shopping, but that was mostly because she didn't particularly have a spending limit. She was, legally, a Luthor. Money wasn't ever really an object. She got what she wanted, whenever she wanted it, and and she didn't care who or what was in the way. Obstacles quickly got out of her way. The shopping at Christmas was just another opportunity to exert her power and control that way. It was, in a sense, what Luthor's did. Except she didn't really feel like a Luthor. All the money and all the name-value didn't change the fact that she felt a little hollow, as though there was something more she was supposed to have. Her hatred of Christmas? Came from the idea that it was a family holiday and the Luthors certain weren't Hallmark or Kodak families. Her arms laden with bags and packages, she sat down at a cafe to people watch a little. Everyone seemed to have something that she didn't. For once, instead of rage the poor little rich girl only felt...sad. Sad. That was a feeling she wasn't used to.
November 30th, 2010
A Turn For The Worst @ 10:23 pm
To say Kieran was a wreck right now would be the understatement of the year. He was functioning only enough to take care of the funeral requirements. Lynn had suddenly taken a turn for the worst and died. The doctors were not entirely sure what happened but he had been told many times how sorry they were. He had taken almost a month off from work to deal with that thanks to saved up vacation time that he had not used since he had first started working as a guidance counselor. He wasn’t sure how he was going to survive this or how he was going to carry on but he would have to find a way somehow.
October 15th, 2010
Sleeping Beauty @ 12:10 am
Kieran had gotten through the craziness of back to school and was in the lull between that and getting kids through the last minute college applications. This meant he had a lot of time to visit Lynn which he really liked doing. The people who worked in the coma ward of Gotham general hospital had gotten to know him pretty well because of how often he visited. Most of the were a little taken aback at how he still kept coming and seemed devoted to her just like he had when she was first moved into the ward most did not last long acting like he did. He always brought her fresh flowers every week to brighten up the room, he talked to her letting her know what was going on, and would often just read to her from books. Even though he would never admit it not even to himself he was starting to lose hope that she would ever come out of her coma.
September 18th, 2010
Paris, city of lights...and monsters? @ 01:33 pm
It was a beautiful fall evening in Paris. The Eiffel Tower was all aglow, and couples strolled through the Champs-Élysées. A great roar echoed in the night, and a fearsome creature swooped down out of the night sky, picking up a man by the shoulders in his claws! The griifon, from Greek myth, carried his prey and perched on top of the Eiffel Tower. He let out a cry.
June 20th, 2010
Father's Day @ 01:21 am
What Makes a Dad God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... Dad
May 13th, 2010
Feels like Summer (Open) @ 12:26 am
Kieran was enjoying the beautiful weather outsider it was still spring but felt almost like summer. He was sitting in a park bench doing a mixture of people watching and enjoy being out in this little piece of nature that was the park not far from where he lived. The birds were sings, there song of children playing filled the air and through his ring he could sense all the love around him the couples walking by, children and their parents, friendship and platonic love it was everywhere. Even still he was on the lookout for heartbreak or people whose true love for each other was in jeopardy. It was his way of dealing with loves call. From what he could tell other star sapphires traveled the galaxy spreading love but he didn’t think it was necessary for him to do that considering how much it was need in his home in Gotham and if any place needed love it was here.
May 9th, 2010
Mother's Day @ 01:26 am
Mothers are the place that we call home. On them we rest our heads and close our eyes. There's no one else who grants the same soft peace, Happiness, contentment, sweet release, Erasing nighttime tears with lullabies, Restoring the bright sun that makes us bloom. - Anonymous