September 2nd, 2011
By Fives We Bring Them Low.... @ 05:32 pm
Just Outside Metropolis..... Eventually, the Kryptonian girl stopped struggling. They'd taken her unaware and she'd still crippled nearly a dozen of the Parademons he'd brought to complete the mission. Still, as she slumps the ground unconscious, Desaad smiles. The master will be happy for the success, if only because they'd taken the daughter of the hated Kryptonian. When they were done with her, the rage of the one called Superman would peak beyond anything ever seen. His anger would be legendary. Darkseid had foreseen it, so it would come to pass. Take the girl. She is needed on Apokolips." Desaad says, opening the Boom Tube back to the homeworld. One of the Parademons lifts Jo Kent and drags her into the portal with little issue. "I have another to find." he says, motioning to the others.
May 13th, 2011
When the Serpent Strikes! @ 09:05 pm
Dateline... Metropolis! The scene? STAR Labs! The threat? Kobra! The cult dedicated to bringing about the age of change and the Kali Yuga. Long thought destroyed with the death of the previous Naga Naga, the snake-scourge of the world has only been resting... and today, it begins its strike back! A half dozen tanks filled the streets of Metropolis, flanked by two score more of soldiers. Their target, STAR Labs and the precious technology within! Who will save Metropolis from this diabolical terror?!
March 18th, 2011
The Big Finale @ 09:18 pm
The city of Star City looked deserted. The citizens had either fled or had been turned into black lanterns. At the heart of the city was the entity known as Nekron. Nekron used the city as his base as his black lanterns ravaged the Earth. The black lanterns increased their numbers each day and the power levels of the black lantern battery increased with each person that died. Soon Nekron would have enough power to obliterate all life on this planet.
February 27th, 2011
The Dead are from Mars, the Living are from Saturn @ 09:19 pm
Since her arrival on Earth some months back, Jenn had kept a relatively low profile, the only people she had really seen much of regularly were "Uncle" J'onn and J'anna. Recent upheavals, with the awakening of J'anna's mother and J'anna's own death had only served to isolate the Saturnian princess further. Home was on the other end of the solar system, still eclipsed by rising civil war. The news was grim. Her father had yet to recover and the rebels attacks were growing more and more fierce. For the moment, she flew over the city, on her way to see J'onn J'onzz. She hated to intrude upon his private moments, especially now with the death of his daughter, but she needed something familiar.