DC Next Generation

June 20th, 2010

Somewhere in Josh's dreams.... @ 09:18 pm


It has been some time since Avalon had visited Katima, although he isn't sure exactly how long. Its not like he has sunrises and sunsets to tell the passage of days any more in his tiny little box. Things have gone from fairly bad to worse - Malicor was certain to take out his rage on the Naltorian after Katima followed him back to where he was being kept and the results had not been pretty. Even though Avalon knew that his physical body was unhurt, his spiritual self was battered and bruised from the ordeal.

Malicors rage still isn't enough to stop him though. He knows that he must warn his friends of the Orange Lanterns impending plans, even if that means more pain on his part. He can't let Malicor win.

Avalon decides on trying to visit Josh now, though he's much more cautious with his Dreamwalking. He waits until after Malicor has left him immediately following another "session" of pain, and wills himself to his dreaming friend. He hopes that maybe his message can get out and be understood - he has no idea if he suceeded with Katima or not.

June 2nd, 2010

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon @ 07:35 pm


Backdated to May 28th

He waited until she was sleeping, until he could find Katima. Stuck in the Dreamtime the way he was, Avalon was all but helpless in that place. He couldn't leave for he was trapped, he couldn't move around in the Dreamtime due to being tied up.. but one thing that he could do was use his rather unique powers to find his lover and go to her through her dreams.

Unable to control someone's dreams himself, Dreamwalking was always a risk for him. If he managed to walk into a nightmare, he could be hurt - it had happened in the past. He could only hope that Katima wasn't troubled while she slept. Not sure what situation he might find himself, he slipped into her dream and then hung back a bit, waiting to see what he might find.

May 26th, 2010

To sleep, perchance to dream.... @ 09:03 am


Malicor watches as Avalon falls asleep in his Earthly bed. He watches, though, from a place that none but Avalon would even be aware of. The Dreamtime. He waits until the boy is fully and soundly asleep and then goes after him... The chase is quick and easy. The Orange Lantern's ring allows him to draw the boy into a nightmare realm and from there, he doesn't have to work very hard to restrain him. Unlike many of those pesky people from Naltor, Avalon doesn't have the powers that they might in the Dreamtime. In fact, Malicor laughs over Avalon's bound body at the sheer ease of it all once it is all done. He does not put Avalon with all the rest of his captives, but instead puts him in a special place where he is hidden away.

The next part isn't quite as easy. Avia Free is another of his Earth targets, yet she takes a bit more work. No doubt to her, she is simply having a bad dream where some unknown man is chasing her.. But eventually he captures her as well and locks her away with all of the rest of the Naltorians that he had captured. He will have use for her and them later.. Specifically he plans to drain their life force into his depleted rings. Avia has been chosen because of her extraordinary cosmic powers. Malicor had been surprised when he discovered her, but then came to the decision that she would make a perfect "cherry" to top off his ring recharging. He's fairly sure that her life-energy will repair his failing Star Sapphire ring.

The last thing that he does, though, is a final blow to Henry's pride. It's meant to be that, at least. With Avalon and Avia locked away in the Dreamtime, he then sneaks into Avalon and Josh's room and takes something very important. Avalon's Blue Lantern ring. Oh the power that courses through him when he slips it onto his own hand and admired the shining blue bauble. He can't quite get it to function but that won't matter soon. He figures that it won't work until Avalon is dead... but it won't be long from now. He leaves the sleeping boy there to be found in the morning.. Ringless and unresponsive. If anyone were to examine Avia or Avalon, they will find that both simply sleep, but will not wake no matter what is done.

As he retreats back tot he Dreamtime to hide and start recharging his rings, Malicor can't help but laugh. Henry Jordan will rue the day he crossed paths with Malicor! By the time this is all over, Henry will learn what true loss is.

May 9th, 2010

Approaching New Tamaran @ 03:10 pm


Once Sodam Yat finally was done with his mission and could reply to Henry's message, he was on Earth in the matter of hours. A short time later, and they'd assembled their team.

Lead by the Ion-powered Yat, the rest of the team was made up of Henry, Avalon, Katima, LifeForce, Jon Kent, the Free kids of Hope and Avia, and, of course, Alerron, son of Starfire and Yat.

The plan was a simple one. There would be many Tamaranians unhappy with Blackfire's rule. Head down to the surface, take out Blackfire, free Starfire. Once Starfire was free, the ruling of the planet should be easily transferred.

This had been Josh's first trip through space, and he was still worried about his boyfriend. He made sure to hold his hand tightly through the space-trip, which thankfully was faster than he could do alone due to the warp capabilities of a Blue Lantern.

He glances back to the others as the world comes into view below.

"Everyone ready?" he asks them. "Remember, Yat and Alerron handle Blackfire. Hope and Avia, find Starfire and get her free. The rest of us, provide cover where needed. She'll probably have some muscle in there to help her keep power, but it shouldn't be anything too powerful -- she'll want to have control over them. Which means the rest of us can handle it."

He leans over to whisper in Josh's ear, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're almost there. Hang on, handsome."

Mother's Day @ 01:26 am

May 4th, 2010

Winged beasts both fair and foul @ 09:59 pm


It's been several weeks since Avalon got drunk with Eli and kissed him. Of course, that kiss quickly stopped their little discussion because Eli had fled away as quickly as he could. Now, several weeks later, Avalon is worried about his strange friend. He's not seen him again, and after speaking with Eli, he can't help but be struck with the urge to find the other winged creature.

Using his ring, Avalon follows the tracking unit to wherever Eli may be lurking.. He's cautious though, he's not sure if Eli will want to see him.

May 2nd, 2010

Playing hookey. @ 10:58 pm


Katima elected to stay home from school after the incident with the football team and the cheerleaders.  It wasn't that she was afraid of them anymore; Alerron had shown them pain and fear without even doing anything.  It was more that she felt terrible for what had happened and more than that for just how disconnected she had been.  School had taken a lot out of Katima, perhaps more than anyone realized.  She wasn't exactly socialized as a child.

Which is why she decided that with the house to herself, cartoons and Lucky Charms were in order.  The funny cereal was remarkably like something she barely remembered having as a child on Korugar before everything changed for her.  Tucked up on the couch, she took a deep breath.  She hadn't realized how very stressed she was feeling.  And how awkward.

April 27th, 2010

Green + Green + Blue = Space pirates? @ 03:25 pm


".. No, seriously. He knows who you are." says Avalon as he and Henry fly along the coast of California, doing their usual maneuvers and training.

"He's really cool though, I think that you're going to like him.. you might even know him - he acted like he knew you." he then goes on to say, "He picked up on who you were when I introduced myself - guess the name Jordan really gets around more than I realized.." he then teases a bit, glancing over to his partner as he smirks.

"Then again, you know so many people that I can't keep up sometimes!"

April 22nd, 2010

Lantern Kids @ 01:18 am


Avalon has been on Earth long enough that he feels it is time to start writing about his adventures. It's important to him to remember things as they truly happened. He gets a notebook, and begins to write in it; though the language he uses is beautiful with flowing and round characters. Certainly not anything anyone on Earth has probably seen before. As he is always looking to expand his knowledge of English, he leaves the facing page blank, and then carefully transcribes the journal as he writes it, so that each page shows the text in Naltorian and English both. It's also because he doesn't wish to keep things from his lovers; and one of them doesn't happen to have a Universal Translator.

The first thing in his journal that Avalon writes about is when he returned to Earth and reunited with Josh. After that, he writes about the day that he and Josh got to set up their room. He tells of when Henry and Josh went flying and his own conversation with them later on that day.

When Alerron crash landed, Avalon had a conversation with Josh while at ther crash site that he wrote about. Several days later, he spoke with Henry about how he felt about it all. There is quite a lot that Ava shares, about how he feels and his thoughts on things. Not long afterwards, Avalon ended up meeting another winged creature, and went home drunk.

Avalon also wrote about this thoughts and fears, and his search to figure out who he was. He awoke Josh in the middle of the night and talked long about feeling and how he felt he didn't know himself. Avalon has been going through a certain adjustment period, and through the help of his friends, he has been able to find some answers to his questions within himself.

He goes on to write about how Henry spoke with Katima over Alerron, and the plan the boys have devised to help save Alerron's mother. He still hasn't seen the outcome of that yet - they've not gone into space - but he shares his fears and doubts. Just because Avalon has a deep well of Hope, that doesn't mean he has no fear and no worry. They simply do not control him. More recently, Henry and Avalon did homework together, that ended up with them going out to train in space.

Avalon writes for quite a while, and once he's finished transcribing everything in both languages, he sets the notebook out on the bedside table and then goes off to find his friends.

April 21st, 2010

Agent Orange Recon Mission @ 02:41 pm


Malicor has been licking his wounds since his last encounter with Green Lantern Henry Jordan. Getting punked over that pesky Blue Lantern Hopalong really has stuck in his craw. He can't quite get over his jealousy; not only does Henry Jordan have Malicor's ring, but he also has an annoying Blue Lantern partner. This of course has complicated matters.

It really didn't take a lot for Malicor to find out who that Blue Lantern is. It's not like there are many of them, and the cur's sector was something he already knew - Sector 5. The wings threw Malicor off on his hunt for a bit - those came from some other alien - but the home world of Henry's precious partner was something he eventually discovered. Naltor.

Malicor has never really paid much attention to Naltor in the past. It's an odd world where the inhabitants don't seem to live in the same world that everyone else in the universe did. Of course, once Malicor discovered what that realm was it immediately gave him ideas. Where was the last place that any Green Lantern would think to look for their greatest nemesis? Why.. in their dreams of course.

With a brilliant plan hatching inside his head, Malicor finds himself back on Earth, looking for the proper targets for his greed. This was the hard part - identifying who should be chosen and who should not. Of course, the closer that Malicor gets to Coast City, the more his obsession with Henry Jordan calls to him. He simply can't help himself as he finds himself flying into the city limits of the city, not worrying too much about being seen or not.

He's got his targets. Now it's time to get some information on Henry. He does his best to cloak himself and then finds his way to Coast City High. He wants to ghost after Henry and his nasty little partner to learn more about their day to day life.

April 12th, 2010

(open) @ 11:16 am


"Wahooo!" Alex-Rice Matthews, also known as the Green Lantern, exclaims as he barrels through a few clouds. He's in his costume and surrounded by the emerald aura provided by the ring around his finger. Grinning wide, he spreads his arms and just takes in the warm California sun as he floats high above LA.

School just dragged on and now that he's free for the afternoon, Alex enjoying one of the perks of wearing a power ring. "Such a nice day," he muses, only really keeping an eye out for planes.

April 11th, 2010

(Open) @ 05:27 pm

Current Location: In a tree
Current Mood: drunk

There are more than several bottles of hard liquor at the bottom of the tree. Up in the tree, cradled in one of the branches is a drunken half angel. He's staring out into space waving the bottle of vodka around not quite able to get it to his mouth. While he isn't looking at anything, in his mind's eye he can see the aliens as they fell under his sword. The fear in their eyes.

The thrill he got as the they died and the ship went crashing down.

He didn't see them. He saw only the aliens from his time. They were attacking him, therefore they had to be destroyed.

They had to be killed.

But when he finished and smelt the scorch of blood on his skin and in his feathers, he felt sick. He wanted to forget it all. 

Not having a telepath at hand, he did the next best thing, get completely and utterly drunk.

April 9th, 2010

Errands and new people @ 12:35 pm


Avalon has an errand to run, and so he skips out of class early today, and goes to find Josh. he's got a package to deliver (that could have gone by transporter no doubt) but he volunteered to fly it to New York. he's excited to see more of the country, and wants someone to point things out to him - so naturally he takes Josh.

After a change into their uniforms and a quick snack, the boys are off. Avalon extends his Blue aura to Josh, and off they go. This is all very exciting for Avalon - he's seen Earth from space, but never this close up - and New York is an exciting city.

April 7th, 2010

Crashed @ 09:02 pm


I knew I shouldn’t have made that blind jump at Almerac.

Alerron Yat curses his fool luck and asks X’Hal to watch over him. The Black Sun mercenaries are still on his tail, all four ships worth of them, and he isn’t sure how long he’s been he’s been running from them. After the first twenty-four hours, time no longer held meaning. He knew he was tired of running, tired of being attacked. He prefers an honest fight to all of this space combat.


Read more... )


April 5th, 2010

First Day of School @ 04:48 pm


The first day of school has been stressful for Avalon. Very stressful. The only bright part of the whole day was when he found out that he was placed in the same grade as Henry, though that didn't really mean a lot. It wasn't like they had any classes together.

Avalon had been horrified when he found out that Josh and Katima wasn't going to share any classes with him, but soon enough he had to get over it and try to get along on his own. Being empathic also didn't seem to help at all, and by the end of the day, Avalon is worn out and sore from having to block himself for the majority of the hours he has been at school.

Luckily though, the day is finally done, and Avalon is standing outside where they all agreed to meet, his back against a tree as he idly itched his back. His wings are aching, and he can't wait to get them free and stretch completely, but he knows now is not the time. So, he waits, and tries to not be too troubled by his day at school. It was horrible, and his English caused him to have quite a few misunderstandings. And then there are these boys who made fun of him, calling him names that he didn't even really understand - though they are easily ignored.

He's been worried about Katima and Josh the most though, and so he watches for either of the teens to emerge from the building, his heart in his throat.

April 2nd, 2010

Getting back to normal.. whatever normal is. @ 10:09 am


After his time alone with Josh, Avalon has been feeling much more centered. It is a shame that Henry is so absent, but Avalon knows why and he doesn't hold it against his partner.. after all Henry put a lot on the table and now he was giving the three of Josh, Katima and Avalon enough time to process everything.

Life still had to go on though, and a couple days after the Talk, Avalon is up early doing his morning sun ritual stuff. Only this morning, it's extra wonderful for him. He appreciates Earth's sun all the more now, especially since he almost lost it.

After finishing his ritual, Avalon is in the kitchen, puttering around when Hal Jordan finds him. Mr. Jordan didn't have a lot to say, but he passed off to Avalon the paperwork that the JLA had gotten together for the three teens. They were going to be going to school on Monday.

The news is very daunting to Avalon, and he goes to find Josh, a nervous wreck. He makes his way back upstairs, and then slips into the room that he has taken to sharing with the other boy. "Hey.. Josh.." he says softly before he slides onto the bed and curls up next to Josh on top of the covers. Avalon is actually so worried that he's shivering!

March 31st, 2010

Amends @ 11:52 am


Henry breathes out a long breath as he sits down opposite Avalon, Josh, and Katima. He barely knows any of them, really -- he met Avalon barely a month ago, Josh a week and a half ago, and Katima less than a week ago. And yet... in many ways, he feels he knows them so well, they might as well be Din, or Jon, or Jai, or Iris, or Allanah.

"Okay," he says. "I've got a lot to say here. So... please. Let me just say it. Just... hear me out, okay?"

March 30th, 2010

Stolen Hope. @ 11:20 pm


Leaving Earth and Josh and Henry and Katima had been terribly hard for Avalon. When the sun set, he said goodbye to Josh and forced himself to go. Reaching Odym is imperative now, but only because Avalon doesn't know what else to do with himself. His whole life is crumbling.

The Blue Lantern doesn't cry anymore, for he's shed all his tears by now into Josh's shirt. It felt good to let that go, but it's past now and it's time to be serious. To face the bed that he's made. Avalon does not expect to be welcomed warmly - there's never been a case of a Blue Lantern loosing their way the way he has. He's fairly certain that he will be returning his ring and sent back to Nalor. Even thousands of sectors away, Avalon knows that his heart had been left behind on Earth. He is so comfortably numb he couldn't say with confidence that he really cared what happened to him.

He's keeping on his toes though - Avalon knows that traveling is dangerous. Despite his speed, he's all but helpless. He may not care what the Lanterns on Odym do with him, but he'd rather not become space-worm food.

One last ray of Hope... @ 07:32 pm


After his rather unpleasant conversation with Henry, Avalon is sore and hurting. He feels like his chest is bleeding out all of his life, and every breath is an agony. What is coming now, what he must do before leaving is somehow just as much, if not more painful than his fight with Henry. It makes Avalon feel sick to his stomach, and he wrestles with it all day as he readies himself.

After packing all his things that Henry had so kindly bought him away in the guest room, with shirts and clothing and what have you neatly put away where they would belong. He then summons up his Blue Lantern uniform and goes in search of Josh. It's broad daylight and he doesn't even care if a civilian sees him.

Hope Crushed @ 04:18 pm


Henry sighs as he glides into his room. Felicity was one crazy bitch. Hopefully, the Oans can do something to help her regain her sanity. But those who protect love shouldn't be setting out black rings or making deals with psychic gorillas just to assure that love happens the way she wants it to.

He stretches after the long space flight, stretching his neck. He should probably check in on Avalon. He steps out of his room, goes down the hall to the first guest room, and knocks.

Crumbling walls.. @ 12:19 pm


Henry had gone to take Felicity back to Oa and ensure that she was dealt with properly, leaving Avalon in charge back on Earth to get everything settled into place. This was a job that Avalon hadn't minded in the slightest - he was happy to serve as Henry's second and see to it that the mess was cleaned up and that everyone was in one piece. Avalon loved Henry's friends, and even though he might not have known everyone, he was still careful to spend a bit of time with each Hero, making sure that they were in a good mental state and were solidly safe to return home.

Once he had seen everyone off, he turned at last to Katima, and offered her a small and tire smile. "I am glad that you did not find injury, Sister." he said softly, the softest ghost of sadness about his emotions. Avalon was empathic as well - he could mask himself from broadcasting what he felt, and had been doing so since that night that he'd gone flying with Josh. Avalon simply didn't feel that he needed to bother Katima with what he was feeling.

"I'm glad that you and Henry came in time, though. That was terrible." he murmured.

March 29th, 2010

The League: @ 06:36 pm

Always say no (to mind control). @ 12:12 am

Also after the party @ 01:26 am


Josh enjoyed the party. He really did even if it was mood whiplash all night. But now...now he just can't take it anymore.

Katima and Henry...the sounds they make...the way it all feels to his extra sense.

Josh can only sit in his room depressed and blushing for so long. He reaches his breaking point and goes off in search of Avalon.

"Ava?" he asks, following his senses outside to the winged Lantern.

March 22nd, 2010

Houseguests Hanging Out @ 02:33 pm


The prospect of going back to school has Josh a bit nervous. He's not worried about grades or anything like that, confident he can handle the material. It's all those people. But thankfully, he doesn't have to go yet.

Instead, Josh is staying at Henry's place while the Green Lantern is at school. And since he doesn't want to be a complete mooch, the healer's in the kitchen cleaning. He hums a little tune while he finishes the dishes. "There..." he trails off as he completes the task.

March 18th, 2010

All-out War at Warriors @ 11:12 pm


Unlike most of New York, Petra loved her job. It wasn't for getting special treatment or anything for being the big boss' daughter, she'd put a stop to that the first time she got a hint of it. It wasn't the tips, although she'd long since established the perfect margin for cleavage, skirt-length, and makeup to maximize them. It was being part of the family business. Daddy had turned one bar into a mounting international franchise of upscale but still family accessible bar-and-restaurants. Interplanetary, actually, considering there was one on Oa as well.

Her job was her pride and joy, waitress or not. That and her collection of boots anyway.

And boy was that about to be tested.

It turns a few heads at first as some brightly dressed individuals enter the place, but it's not so uncommon. Plenty of regulars come in costumes of their favorite heroes and villains, or make their own togs. It's when the occasional use of tech or metahuman powers starts getting noticed that some people start asking for their checks. Soon, the place is emptying out in a slow but noticeable flow of customers.

Then one of the other waitresses, and a waiter as well, both of them rather fetching, get pulled in to sit with them at the large booth they're taking up like a mentally imbalanced football team (bit repetitive there, but still).

Petra scowls, cracks her neck, and strolls over, pulling Tara and Byron out and shooing them off. The air starts to get colder around her.

"Alright guys, your drinks so far are on the house, if you clear out right now. No need for this to get uglier than you sitting down already made it."

March 16th, 2010

Death and Life, or, Henry's Healing Harem @ 10:16 am


Of course Black Hand would attack Coast City with his latest scheme for world-devastation when Dad and Carol were both out of the galaxy. Thankfully, he did have some backup -- his new Blue Lantern partner was pretty much the only thing keeping Henry alive right now.

Henry hopes that the Guardians can do something to help his arm. Black Hand managed to touch him, and his left arm feels like it's shriveling away, held in check only by his green charge. But it's not time to worry about saving his arm right now. He needs to take Black Hand down, and fast, before he kills any more people.

"Hey, Hand?" Henry snarls. Ava's been keeping him on the ropes for a bit while Henry catches his breath. Black Hand looks up at the Green Lantern. Henry's mind races to think up a pithy line he can deliver.

"Fuck off."

Oh, well. He'll be more pithy next time. He unleashes the full power of his green ring at Black Hand, knocking the zombie flat on his back. "Wrap him up, Ava," he tells his partner. "We need to get him to the Sciencells."

Henry wavers a moment... then collapses, the ring fighting to keep the infection from spreading up his arm. But something must be done, and quickly...

March 8th, 2010

And then... there was Hope. @ 06:26 pm


Brother Avalon had been traveling for a long time, but he would have gladly traveled twice as far if it meant reaching Earth in time. The cry for Hope had reached Odym, and his fellow Lanterns had been quick to react. Unfortunately, things were so strained across the galaxy that they could only afford one Blue Lantern.. and so Brother Avalon had been sent.

Outside of the atmosphere, Earth is a beautiful blue and green planet. Avalon finds himself unfurling his wings, his breath caught in his throat because of it's beauty. He knows that this very well may be his last assignment - Saint Walker had made it quite clear that Avalon was to remain on Earth until hope could be restored to that sector of the universe. It could take years.. maybe even Avalon's lifetime.

The boy does not find that intimidating however, and instead of simply flying into the clouds, he takes a moment to consult his ring. Saint Walker has given Avalon another tip - the name of a certain Green Lantern whom he should seek out immediately upon arrival.

"Ring. Locate Henry Jordan." he murmurs, his voice soft and accented in a way that is almost musical.

<Green Lantern Henry Jordan is currently located in Coast City.> replies the ring, and Avalon nods his blond head to the thing.

"Take me to him." replies the Nalorian, his lips curling into a smile.  Avalon can not help but feel excitement quicken within him; he is thrilled to meet this Green Lantern.  Lantern battery in hand, Avalon wills himself to this place called Coast City, to wherever Henry Jordan might be.


DC Next Generation