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Terry McGinnis/Batman II ([info]newimprovedbat) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-20 21:24:00

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Terry had been giving this a lot of thought lately.

It weighted on him heavily, keeping his "double-life" a secret from Dana. On the plus side, it kept her safe, her not knowing. The con was that constantly showing up late for dates or just not plain showing up at all really had a toll on him. He could only come up with so many excuses, and he could only ask for Maxine to cover for him so many times.

Maxine had asked him if he really wanted to do it. If he really wanted to expose Dana to that part of his life. And he had given it a lot of thought. He did. He went back and forth between telling her and not telling her a million times in his head.

It was a big risk, but he could trust Dana. He knew that he could.

He texted her to meet him at a location where he knew they'd be safe from any possible threats. In his Batman costume, he waited in the shadows for her.

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