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Mike Blood ([info]partdemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-17 20:22:00

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Entry tags:cindy lord, dr fate, firestorm, goldstar, green lantern dex, inactive - himon, inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - keith queen, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - steve logan, inactive - vic dragon, inactive - warhawk, inactive - zor-l, jayhawk, jerry carr, joey mason, mike blood, npc - tim drake, plot - "rate the babe", steven garrick, team - jla, team - jsa, team - outsiders, team - shadowpact, team - teen titans, will freeman, zachary zatara

Guy Stuff(Rate the Babe)
Mike had talked to Sindella about what the girls had been up to so secretly and may have used telepathy to read her surface thoughts and found out about Rate the Hunk. Sindella had not been very happy about that and made him swear not to ask anything more about that and that he was going to have to do something big to make it up to her.

But he had been given the idea to host a rate the babe event for the guys because that sounded like a ton of fun to him. Since he was done with classes for the semester he drove to metropolis to set things up for the party at his dad’s penthouse there.

He sent out invites to all the teams he knew about that they could come and also made a special note to the teleports to not try directly teleporting inside with the wards his dad had set up

.He then set up the projector for the photos and got enough food and drinks to feed everyone one then some.

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 04:53 pm UTC (link)
"Jerry Carr, with the Young JLA I guess."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 04:54 pm UTC (link)
"Vic Dragon. Titans West."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 04:55 pm UTC (link)
"Mikey Dugan. JSA."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 04:57 pm UTC (link)
"Jarrod Hall. Titans West."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:28 pm UTC (link)
"Keith Queen. YJLA Reserve, and Star City's number one crime fighter."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:30 pm UTC (link)
"Just call me Zandor. Justice Society."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:32 pm UTC (link)
"Uh, I'm Steve Logan, from the Titans West. Nice to meet those of you I haven't met before."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:38 pm UTC (link)
Hey! A guy who's green like Mickey. Are they related?

"Are you related to Mickey Rayner, Steve?"

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:51 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not. Though, I understand why you would think that. Green is not a common skin tone."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 05:56 pm UTC (link)
"Oh. Okay. Just curious is all."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:03 pm UTC (link)
"Riley Carter, Goldstar. Member of Titans East, and Time Master in training."

He pauses.

"I'm not related to anyone green either, just in case anyone wondered about the hair."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:06 pm UTC (link)
"I'm sure they aren't going to mistake green hair for green skin, dye-job."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:09 pm UTC (link)
Riley glares. "It's not a dye-job!"

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:10 pm UTC (link)
Zach shakes his head at the squabble.

"Zachary Zatara, World's Greatest Magician, also senior member of Shadowpact."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:15 pm UTC (link)
"Right, with your hair being a natural shade of green. Unless your related to Fire, I don't see it."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:44 pm UTC (link)
Cue Percy.

He walks in, expecting there to be a class of young children waiting to learn more about magic.

"O-okay y--"

He paused, and then looked at Mike.

"You s-said this was a m-magic class that r-required help."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 06:57 pm UTC (link)
"Michael, Riley's her son. So that's what's up with that. And I'm Cindy Lord. Currently practicing with everyone I can before being ready to affiliate."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 07:25 pm UTC (link)
“Yeah about that I lied to get you here because I knew you wouldn’t come and have fun otherwise,” Mike says nonchalantly to Percy, “Now grab a seat get some food and a drink because we are going look at hot women.”

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 07:47 pm UTC (link)
"Just ribbing on you, Riley. I can be an ass, so you can ignore what i say half the time," Michael says with a smile.

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 10:01 pm UTC (link)
"Mark Clearwater, I'm a member of the JSA." He offers a smile.

"And as I'm the oldest one here, I find myself compelled to remind people who are not legal to drink to abstain from the booze. I don't want anyone getting into any trouble." That means even you, Mike Blood.

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-18 11:51 pm UTC (link)
"Joey Mason, Outsiders."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-19 03:17 am UTC (link)
"Nic Hall. JSA."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-19 03:33 am UTC (link)
"Tim Drake, Outsiders."

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-19 03:34 am UTC (link)
"Himon. I stand with none of your organizations as I am new to Earth." he says.

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Re: Introductions
2010-12-19 03:35 am UTC (link)
"Rex Stewart. Justice Society. And to echo what Mark said, let's not have the whole underage drinking thing get this place busted up." Rex says.

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