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Jane Doe-Smith ([info]jdoesmith) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-19 23:55:00

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Entry tags:inactive - jane doe-smith, inactive - nightwing, plot - "call of cthulu"

In your turff messing with the thugs
Jane wasn't going to explain why she was here right now. She was dancing on the edge of everything on this latest case. It had taken her all over and now she was in a city she didn't want to be in. The young woman hated the way Gotham felt but the clues had led her this way.

So she hit the pavement. She was going to find this kid if it killed her. Of course that was when it went south. She was ducking and weaving around fists and feet. She gets thrown into a wall and her eyes grow wide for a moment and she ducks.

Ah the virtues of being short. She cleans up the group and stands over the leader with a grin.

"You shouldn't have done that. Really. Now will you tell me what you know?"

He was going to tell her exactly what she knew.

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2010-01-21 12:46 am UTC (link)
"We just won't panic, then." She managed a weak laugh.

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2010-01-21 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Good. Let's get in place then."

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